Krychazz - Comments

#772143 SS' kits Technical Help Thread
5 years ago
2 months ago

Hello there! 


I'm looking to add custom generated kits for Sochaux (id:2009)


I generated the kits and have named them in the appropriate format. 



Within config.xml I added the lines:


<record from="2009_home" to="graphics/pictures/team/2009/home"/>
<record from="2009_away" to="graphics/pictures/team/2009/away"/>
<record from="2009_third" to="graphics/pictures/team/2009/third"/>

Unfortunately the newly generated kits are not added after clearing cache and reloading skins. Am I missing something? Also, may I ask what exactly is the different between config.xml and all_config.xml


Appreciate any help!