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#575110 Wrexham Changes[FM21]
Suzie MUFC
#502828 Data Update archive?
Suzie MUFC
Sorry, I was referring to the SortItOutSI Data Update. On the page here https://sortitoutsi.net/football-manager-data-update it used to have an option to choose which version you could download by the time it was updated, so for instance I could've downloaded the one updated on November 19th at 10PM. That option doesn't appear to be there anymore.
#502822 Data Update archive?
Suzie MUFC
Is this not a thing anymore, or has it just not been implemented yet?
Thanks in advance.
#349066 (FM16+)Found an error in our database[Players+Staff Changes Only]
Suzie MUFC
Just thought I'd alert you to this.
#287527 FM 2015 Live Update!
Suzie MUFC
Would like to add and confirm to this, just tried the latest update and Rodgers is still at Liverpool despite the update page saying he's been released. Checked the Staff Transfers.xml file and it's just 1KB in size with no transfers present.
#72018 SS' kits Technical Support Thread
Suzie MUFC
Thanks for your reply. It's ok, I've fixed it - I was using Nik33's Data Pack and one of the files changed the kit colours. Deleted that and kept the v1.2 file - Barcelona home kit fixed!
Thanks again.
#71990 SS' kits Technical Support Thread
Suzie MUFC
Playing FM13, latest Kit Colour Changes file (15/04/2013).
For the life of me, I can't get Barcelona's home kit to load. The away and third kits load fine.
I've tried different skins, clearing the cache, reloading the skins, etc. I've also checked the config.xml and the .png filename to make sure they match:
I've also tried starting new saves with and without the Kit Colour Changes file, remembering to clear the cache and reload skin beforehand.
Pretty sure I've done everything correctly, any help would be hugely appreciated. This is the only kit I'm having a problem with.