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#49904 FM2013 Bargains List
Juan Sanchez Mano DL/WB/ML/MC Argentina/Spain from Boca Juniors and cost 2,5 million euros
excellent offensive left back
#48804 What is your Favourite FM of all time
#48801 FM2013 Bargains List
let use this topic for real players we bought cheap but they become excellant palyers...but let's recommend here only players we know as good from our expierience in game not with some scout tools I hate this -10 and wonderkids lists because on them 90% of players are useless....10% which are good you can't afford when playing some normal team
here is my first findings:
Tsepo Masilela DL/WBL from Kaiser Chiefs (RSA)..bought for cca 1 milion euros
Jefferson Montero AML/R/ST from Morelia (MEX) ...has release clause on cca 1,5 milion euros
Kiko Femenia WBR/MR/AMR from Barcelona B ...transfer listed in January 2013 for cca 500.000 euros
I bought this 3 players for my Stoke team and they all have average above 7 on the end of season
for next season bought:
Simao DMC from Shandong...very cheap 150 k euros...no problem with working permit and very reliable and consistent player
Shane Long ST for cca 4,5 milion euros ... excellent striker
Rafa Alcântara aka Rafinha from Barcelona B for 500k euros...in first game score 2 goals