the insider - Comments

#29784 The Night Thread Mk. IX
the insider
18 years ago
9 years ago
By Phoenix Arrow | Permalink | On 03 December 2012 - 18:43 PM
Need a new phone. Pay as you go so I can keep my old SIM. Suggestions?

You can transfer your old number and contacts onto a contract phone now.

Sell your soul and get yourself a BlackBerry, cheap and cheerful.
#28840 Official Boxing Thread.
the insider
18 years ago
9 years ago
Any streams about?
#27480 The Android Thread
the insider
18 years ago
9 years ago
I'm looking at the Nexus 7 as well, read loads of reviews etc and it seems the Kindle Fire HD is on par with it. Other than the benefit of not being an amazon sell fest what's going to be the benefit of getting a Nexus over the Kindle?

Would appreciate any help
#24651 National Novel Writing Month
the insider
18 years ago
9 years ago
You better not have stopped this.
#18805 Technological Moron
the insider
18 years ago
9 years ago
Looking into getting myself a new laptop but wondering if it's worth the wait until next year. I know that seems like a dumb ass thing to say but I've been told some highly improved processors are coming out (as always).

What's the consensus on this?

#12574 The Joke Thread
the insider
18 years ago
9 years ago
I had a very good joke about amnesia but for the life of me I can't remember it...
#8148 World record sky dive live in five
the insider
18 years ago
9 years ago
Absolutely amazing. Completely taken in by this, wish I could of done it

RedBull have some incredible PR guys!
#4812 Europa League 2012/13 - Now NOT Featuring Falcao
the insider
18 years ago
9 years ago
Annoyed once more at Spurs being idiots when we have a small lead. Constantly switch off and go against the game plan over the last few seasons, games we really should be winning turning into draws/defeats due to stupidity.
#4457 The Mugshot Thread
the insider
18 years ago
9 years ago
Sears looks like he is wearing a seriously high pair of wellies in his picture.
#3826 Got mail: FM2013 - 51% discount - £19.50 - But no discount!
the insider
18 years ago
9 years ago
Keeps coming up with "Order Not Complete" for me even after all the information on cards etc.

Contacted them, hopefully can still get the deal!