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#524884 FM 2020 FLUT skin dark - Version 2.2
Thanks vonreichsm for helping with that, I have now managed to remove that badge now from the back of the shirt, however, I have another problem.
The name and number on the back of the shirt doesn't fit the name of the players. It seems to show 3 letters and the rest is cut off, whilst the numbers are very small. Any idea why this is or how to fix it? (screenshot attached).
I am on a MAC and the resolution is full screen 1440 x 900, and zoomed out to 85% in the preferences if that helps?
Also, any idea how to find this default background picture of the player doing a scissor kick? I want to change it to my own one if possible (screenshot attached).
Thanks again.
#524549 FM 2020 FLUT skin dark - Version 2.2
Any idea why this badge is showing in from of the back of the shirt? and how to get rid of it?
#250032 FM15 SKIN AndromedaV5 & DF11
1 question though, if you know how to do it; how do I remove that picture of the manager off the main menu screen when you load the game up?
#245740 Steklo X5
For some reason the skin doesn't appear in the game when I go into preferences. I'm on version 15.2.1 - only just downloaded the game from steam today. Any help on getting it to load?