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#640042 Greenock City FC - [New Club - New History] - 🏴 - FM19
(You can follow this history by Instagram @Greenock_city)
To build a football club is not easy. The values, the history and the economy's balance have to find the equilibrium on the club. And to play on the four division of the Scottish leagues doesn't help. So, the President just announce that Macron Sports go to be the official sponsor of the Greenock City FC during the 2019/2020 season. Only one season because anyone knows about the sport's future of the club.
Thus, Macron Sports has designed two kits (local and visitant) for the club to following his history and colours. The local kit is orange with details in black and the visitant is white with details in black too.
#639274 Greenock City FC - [New Club - New History] - 🏴 - FM19
(You can follow this history by Instagram @Greenock_city)
The President of Greenock City FC is working a lot over his new business. Apart from that the agreements with other clubs and the SPFL Football League, he is working about the sport management and the facilities of the club.
The first operation is the location of the stadium. He bought a lands in the East part of the city to open a mall in 2015 but the local government refused this operation. Right now, he has decided to use this land to build the stadium. To localise in Lower Mary street and to follow the local tradition, the stadium of Greenock City FC will be called “Lower Mary Park”.
The building project has three parts: 1) Build a little stadium with 1000 places for supporters before the September to start the competition; 2) To give personality and own style to the stadium with official colours and football shop; 3) To achieve a local sponsor to continue the building untill 3000 places during the next five years.
In the sport management part, the President understands that if he want to build a successful football team only with scottish players; the club has to care his sport office and to has local agents. Maybe, the first season, it will be not possible because of economic problems in the last professional division. But he is preparing a plan for the next three and five years to support and to grown the team. This project will be post next to the economy program of the team.
So, I will post all of these in Instagram: @Greenock_city. I hope that you like this project and we can share the experience!
The President of Greenock City FC.
#638494 Greenock City FC - [New Club - New History] - 🏴 - FM19
(You can follow this history by Instagram @Greenock_city)
Greenock is a scottish city in the west-north of the island. 94k people are living there and they use to support to Greenock Morton FC (1874). But I think that its the moment to appear a local opponent and maybe, in the future, a opponent for the great teams of Scotland.
The Greenock City FC gonna be a other local team, born in 1888 but playing all of his life in amateurs/non professional leagues. The owner is a local business man who wants to build a professional team without foreign players (only scottish players) and he can't pay them too much. At least, in four division of Scotland: “Scottish League Two”. The Greenock City FC go to replace to Cowdenbeath in this season and it wants to try grown on the football system.
The colours of the team are the orange and black. these colours are different than the rest of the clubs. Because of this and the help of the owner, the club has achieved to sign two agreements with Lutton Town (Championship) and Cambridge United (National League). These agreements are useful to play in pre-season.
Apart from that, I want to play with calm and to design a lot of photos about this new club. So, I will post all of these in Instagram: @Greenock_city. I hope that you like this project and we can share the experience!
The President of Greenock City FC.
#540965 Pre Season Tournaments
HI Erikeagles68. I can see that you create tournaments and trophy for steam. Im playing with Blyth Spartans on Fm20. It's possible to get (download) a trophy for Blyth on fm19?
Thank you for you contents from Spain !!
#540962 Blyth - Road to Glory - Season Large (Spanish)
HI, I can see that you have a lot of trophy for Fm20. Do you know a trophy for Blyth spartans to fm19?