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#578572 SS' kits Technical Support Thread
Sure. See attachments.
Note: The kits itself (the PNG files) are the correct ones.
#578528 Germany - Bundesliga SS'2020/21 Relink! (11/03/21)
Weirdly enough I managed to fix 2. Bundesliga myself by copying the EXACT filename out of the config.xml and renaming the files accordingly.
For 3. Liga I downloaded your update (naming now all consistant) – but the game ignores the changes. Still the old kits for Türkgücü and Saarbrücken... So I did the same to those files like I did with the ones from 2. Bundesliga. Didn't work. It's starting to drive me nuts as I cannot evaluate what could be gone wrong.
I am on a Mac btw.
#577782 SS' kits Technical Support Thread
I renamed the files according to the entry in the config.xml – Fürth for example worked from the beginning, Osnabrück didn't. (That's for 2. Bundesliga. Also loaded your recent update for 3. Liga, file names are as expected and correct. Türkgücü still has the wrong kits.)
@weeniehutjr Nah, have unticked that cache option and reloaded the skin several times.
#577722 SS' kits Technical Support Thread
SS Kits Germany, latest update
Teams with mutated vowels like Nürnberg, Osnabrück or Türkgücü don't work. Filenames are broken. Renamed them manually according to the XML but still do not show up (yes, cleared the cache).
#577720 Germany - Bundesliga SS'2020/21 Relink! (11/03/21)
But: Teams with mutated vowels like Nürnberg, Osnabrück or Türkgücü don't work. Filenames are broken.
Will mention that in your other thread as well 😉