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#779653 Basque National Team
Thanks a lot mate. I will try it out later
#779610 How create national team in FM 24
here's a video how you have to do it. its also working the same in fm 24, but if you add the continent to it there may be some issues and the nation is not taking part at the qualifiers for the regional national tournaments, world cup qualfiers are usually no problem.
#779608 Basque National Team
i am currently trying to create a playable basque national team in the current football manager 24.3 version. i made some progress but i have 2 huge problems that i am not able to fix.
I know there are some files with the basque national team but they all have a own league and cup system for the basque teams. I would like to get a file where you have the basque national team, but the basque clubs remaining in their league neither its the spain or the french league system.
It would be really nice if someone could help me 🙂