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#274497 Rubbish youth players
Newcastle. I'm halfway through my 4th season.
#274490 Rubbish youth players
Just went through my youth players. Still pants lol
#274454 Rubbish youth players
All my scouts have scouting ability/potential of 18+.
My training facilities are state of the art
Top youth facilities
Youth level 1
Good junior coaching
Extensive youth recruitment.
My coaches are all pretty good, yet none of my youth players have more than 2 stars for potential. I'm in my 5th season and would expect a few players to start filtering through who would be able to make a breakthrough into my senior squad. Majority arent even good enough to get offered pro contracts.
Where am I going wrong?????
#264644 Editor problem
Im trying to put a scottish team in EPL, however it wont validate meaning I cannot load the nation when I start a new game.
It says "team found in English Premier Division with wrong nation set" which i understand. I have moved a scottish team to EPL!
However when I change the nation to England and use the same settings as Swansea it still will not load
Can anybody help?
#232794 Official Challenge problems
I've noticed a few problems with the Official challenges.
1st. The new challenges that I subscribe to through steam, don't appear when I'm picking a challenge.
2nd. I've picked financial trouble challenge and I've noticed there is no team talk!! It doesn't give me the option,!
Any help would be great.