no1sotonfan - Comments

#453815 📝Guide to making Metallic logos and other related hints, tips and assistance
15 years ago
1 year ago
To load the action, it's this menu item under the 'hamburger' icon on the actions tab. I don't think it actually makes a difference where you have the action file saved, but I've saved it in User>AppData>Roaming>Adobe>Photoshop>Presets>Actions, which is the default folder when loading an action. Then to start the action, scroll to Metallic New (the one below the folder icon) which will allow you to press the triangle play button.

Spot on. Thank you kindly for your help!
#453666 📝Guide to making Metallic logos and other related hints, tips and assistance
15 years ago
1 year ago
That's more like it, cheers. Aye, I gave that thread a go this morning and come up with that. Improved a bit since, but can't work out where to put the Metallic action file or how to use it, so I'm making do with tweaking existing filters on Eye Candy. Any pointers on that front?

My best effort attached.
#453642 A polite request... (Poole Town custom logo)
15 years ago
1 year ago
#453607 A polite request... (Poole Town custom logo)
15 years ago
1 year ago
Not sure where I found this but is there any chance someone who knows what they are doing with metallic logos could do their thing with this, please?

I've updated the logo in my current save, but it looks odd with the rest of the game using metallic logos. Logo attached.

Your help would be much appreciated.



#451831 SS' Official Kits Thread (NO REQUESTS)
15 years ago
1 year ago
Hello guys, forgive if a silly question but where do I get the Leeds 3rd kit?