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#730555 Manchester City FFP Rule Break
lucas Harvey-Smith
tbh im still using the old file as i havent updated and not sure i want too as i already updated all the transfers myself tirelessly and using this file makes the game better, so i may just keep using this file 🙂
#730541 Manchester City FFP Rule Break
lucas Harvey-Smith
Will this file be updated now that the new editor data file has dropped from FM as this file no longer works with the new update
#715733 3D Kits Sleeve Patches Megapack 2022-2023 for FM23 Update! (01/12/22)
lucas Harvey-Smith
Thanks for that pic bud, but how do i get to that screen, been playing this game for years and i still cant get to that screen
#715732 3D Kits Sleeve Patches Megapack 2022-2023 for FM23 Update! (01/12/22)
lucas Harvey-Smith
Thanks for that pic bud, but how do i get to that screen, been playing this game for years and i still cant get to that screen
#715442 3D Kits Sleeve Patches Megapack 2022-2023 for FM23 Update! (01/12/22)
lucas Harvey-Smith
Can someone show me an in game screen shot of what the patches look like pls ?
#715314 3D Kits Sleeve Patches Megapack 2022-2023 for FM23 Update! (01/12/22)
lucas Harvey-Smith
Hi, I cannot get these to work in game,ive added the downloaded file to my graphics folder, that didnt work, then i added them into my graphics/kits folder and that still doesnt work ?
Where should you see the kits working, on the club info tab ?
#697997 Removing this post.
lucas Harvey-Smith
OK, thanks again,so to be clear if i load up FM2018 and use the data updates i will receive all the transfers that occured in 2018 ?, is that correct, or am i being stupid lol
#697989 Removing this post.
lucas Harvey-Smith
Ah OK so you have to have the original FM Games installed lol, which i do have, but like you said why change from FM22, although it is always good to go back and look at the older players again !!
#697983 Removing this post.
lucas Harvey-Smith
i cant get this to work in fm 22 it keeps saying the files are not compatible with FM22, how do i get round this so these files work, ive tried all of them and none of them work, any help pls ?