horyc - Comments

#564188 Extra Files(Promotions,Relegations, European Changes,Club Finances) FM20
3 years ago
1 month ago
I will see what I can do, unfortunately the league editting is something I need to personally learn, my 15 years of editing is based on the standard stuff (transfers, finances etc) but I will see what I can do.

Okay, thank you very much
#563734 Extra Files(Promotions,Relegations, European Changes,Club Finances) FM20
3 years ago
1 month ago
It appears you've had a league re-structure, if I can do this it will sadly take a little longer, I have a file with all the winners and last years finish done but to reflect the structural stuff will take longer.

Yes, it's re-structured :/ Could you do that? It'd be the best.. <3 Anybody haven't done it yet and i think they won't do that..
#563399 Extra Files(Promotions,Relegations, European Changes,Club Finances) FM20
3 years ago
1 month ago
I'll look into this for you today, horyc.

#563264 Extra Files(Promotions,Relegations, European Changes,Club Finances) FM20
3 years ago
1 month ago
Hello, could you make promotions and relegations in Czech leagues, please?