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#712467 Tatcic disappearing after turning the game on the next day
So I'm playing the newest FM23 on Game Pass. Yesterday I spent some time building a tactic and making it familiar to my players. It was doing ok, the familiarity level was about 1/3 of the bar when I finished the game. Today I wanted to continue, but when I wanted to make some tweaks to my tactic, the game reacted like I didn't set it at all, so I had to make it again, which resulted with 0 level of familiarity.
EDIT: ok, that's weird. My familiarity levels were 0 after recreating the same tactic, but when the match day came, familiarity level returned to previous 1/3 bar.
EDIT 2: now I can confirm that every time I'm turning the game off and on, my tactic is gone.