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#815696 Manager Awards - Yearly 'World', to be specific
Even today in FM 24, you will never see any world or continental coach awards (whether from FIFA, World Soccer magazine, or custom-made) in the game. It seems that FM is unable to manage world-based or continental-based coach awards, possibly because, unlike players, it cannot calculate a rating to determine the best coach. In fact, I’m thinking of replacing those awards using the pre-game editor with new missing ones, such as the Globe Soccer Player Award, etc.
#815077 Zlatan Ibrahimović
Still not working on FM24 with last update, please help.
#795455 Newly Created Media Sources Never Attend Press Conferences
Hello, I have spent months working on creating a database using the official pre-game editor that includes real media sources and journalists, so that we could have realistic press conferences with actual media and journalists for each team.
The problem is that several media I added from scratch, creating them as new entities, do not participate in the press conferences, even though everything is set up correctly (I always select "attends press conference").
I also tried with the official database, and if I add a new media source and set it to 'attend conference,' that media still does not participate.
I found that the only way to make it work is to duplicate an existing media and modify that, but this would mean discarding my file which has almost 18,000 modifications, thousands of newspapers, TV channels, and real websites created from scratch, not by copying.
I believe this is a bug in FM24 because in FM18 and FM19, where I did the same work, all media I added from scratch attended the press conferences.
Is there a solution to avoid wasting all the work done? This is important work I have done to provide the community with a file that finally has 100% real media and journalists.
#786765 Problems saving a database file as new
Hi, I've been working for months on a file that finally has 100% real Media and Journalists, listening to hundreds and hundreds of press conferences to ensure that at least for the main Serie A teams there are real journalists who usually participate to conferences, which deal with certain teams and which belong to real newspapers.
However, I have two problems:
1) At a certain point, if I create new News Sources, even if I set all the parameters, they are unable to appear in the game in any way. I have to duplicate an existing source and then modify it to be able to make it appear. It gives me the impression that the game doesn't accept more than a certain number of IDs or Media, what do you think it could be?
2) MOST IMPORTANT: For this work I started from an FMInside Media fmf file and if I try to save it as new to rename it with new Names and Details, and load this database, I do not find any changes made to the names. If instead I load the original one that I modified, but without saving it as new, therefore with the old name...Everything works perfectly. It's as if by saving it as a new file, I lose some changes, and in fact I realize that the new file weighs less in terms of KB. How can I solve it?
Thank you
#785059 Zlatan Ibrahimovic Missing
Ok and there is no way to import in my database the player from another db? I need to reput in the game, cause in my career I want him as director, so I need that is a real non-player, not retired one.
I have to recreate him from Zero, or there is a possibility?
#785047 Zlatan Ibrahimovic Missing
Hi, I'm starting a new game with FM 2024, and before I do that, I wanted to fix a few things in the database. First of all, I wanted to put Zlatan Ibrahimovic as technical director of my team, but he is not there on the game.
If I try from the pre-game editor, even using updated databases, there is only one "Zlatan Ibrahimovic" but retired and with a different ID than usual, because his real ID is "142173". Even if I try to change the Zlatan "retired player" to "Non-player" I see that he then has no player attributes, characteristics and history.
How can I reactivate or reinsert the real Zlatan into the game? Why does FM continue with this annoying policy of retiring former players who can be used as staffers in the future?
#785046 Zlatan Ibrahimović
Not working with last FM Db :-( Please help!
#750097 22/23 Last Updated Database Request
Hi everyone, someone can tell me how I can find a sortitoutsi database but updated to May 2023, cause I want to start a new game but with all players and database updated to 22/23 season.
I see that older I can downlaod is july 2023 and got many new transfers.
#687284 Cut-Out Faces Megapack TECHNICAL SUPPORT thread - please read first post before posting
Here your screen….I also try DF11 Megapack and works perectly…I don't know why only with this megapack 2022 I got this problem…. :-(
#687167 Cut-Out Faces Megapack TECHNICAL SUPPORT thread - please read first post before posting
If I search config.xml in graphics I got a lot of results, cause any packs (logos, kits ecc ecc) got config…
Are you sure?
#687078 Cut-Out Faces Megapack TECHNICAL SUPPORT thread - please read first post before posting
Here the file :-)
#687056 Cut-Out Faces Megapack TECHNICAL SUPPORT thread - please read first post before posting
Here your pics:
#687023 Cut-Out Faces Megapack TECHNICAL SUPPORT thread - please read first post before posting
Here the pic of the folder and the amout of files..
I use the same way that I use for any FM and for any megapack….I don't know what happens…
please help
#686915 Cut-Out Faces Megapack TECHNICAL SUPPORT thread - please read first post before posting
I read the faq and follow the instrucions.
I use cut out from many years, and only after I download the last megapack 2022 I got this problem….the same pic of the new megapack that are on 180x180 works perfectly, but the pics 250x250 NO :-(
I reload the skin empy cache and use the Default theme!
180x180 show good
250x250 show empty (also the black silhouett not showing)
See the attachment
250x250 no image: https://ibb.co/pjyxZKJ
180x180 correct → https://ibb.co/51w8dcs
Folders is correct → https://ibb.co/WffZSDR
#686823 Cut-Out Faces Megapack TECHNICAL SUPPORT thread - please read first post before posting
Hi guys, I don't know why with 2022 megapack on my FM18 some image not showing, and I check and see that the 250x250 not working, only image with 180x180 shows perfectly..
You know why?
#686739 Cut-Out Faces Megapack TECHNICAL SUPPORT thread - please read first post before posting
Hello guys, new 2022 pack not works in FM18, and I think it's because maybe the game not support 250x250 and want only image with 180x180?
There is a way? A fix to make them work in FM18?
#646542 Italy - Serie A 3D'2020/21 for FM20/21 Relink! (05/05/21)
Ok sorry, after restart completly the game, I see the new 3dkits. It looks great!
So I can confirm that 3dkits works also with FM18!!!
#646541 Italy - Serie A 3D'2020/21 for FM20/21 Relink! (05/05/21)
Ah ok, thanks. But I see that there is not new updated 3d kits for FM18, only 2017/2018.
Is there a way to convert the new 3dkits to work also with FM18 o someone could share a link with the updated 3dkits for fm18
#646525 Italy - Serie A 3D'2020/21 for FM20/21 Relink! (05/05/21)
I try on FM 18, but nothing, I got always the default 3d kits?
I see that is missing config xml file on the folders…why?