Ünal Burak - Comments

#757970 Emerson Pedro Vanga
Ünal Burak
4 years ago
2 days ago

I'm not making a mess. What I want to point out is that, as you said yourself, you are endorsing a source that is inadequate just because it is better than the other. Since you are examining it meticulously, do not make contradictory statements. Expressions such as "You have no business here" are not nice at all. If you do not see the obvious mistake, the accusation you made to me will be valid for you... 


#757943 Emerson Pedro Vanga
Ünal Burak
4 years ago
2 days ago
By mons 11 October 2023 - 09:08 AM UTC 

Too small to get a cut from.


@Ünal Burak, given you've had 16 uploads rejected, compared to just 4 accepted, perhaps it's time you started following the guidelines to uploading images if you want to keep taking part in these forums 👍


Thanks for your feedback. I would like you to enlighten me on something I'm curious about. My source was rejected on the grounds that the resulting photo would have low pixels and was too small to be cut. However, how appropriate is the pixel quality of the final photo, which appears to be completed and accepted, for the game? And according to what criteria was it accepted?

#725530 Johan Carbonero
Ünal Burak
4 years ago
2 days ago
By mons 23 January 2023 - 15:29 PM UTC 

This is already the second time you've referred to other cutters' work. Firstly, I would suggest that you focus on your own cuts. Secondly, as I've already suggested elsewhere, if you have images you think have been added to the megapack when they shouldn't be, please point them out so we can fix or remove them. Otherwise, it's just an exercise in complaining for the sake of complaining.


Thirdly, I hope you can see the difference in the cut you've produced from the smaller source, and the one I produced from the larger source. The bigger the source image, the better the eventual cut, which is why I rejected your cut, because the larger source would provide a better cut than anything possible from the smaller source.


This is not something that was said to refer to or vilify, but you perceive it as such, unfortunately. I don't want to explain more and waste your time, after all, you will justify yourself somehow. yes, I agree, the most beautiful and clearest content belongs to you(!). good work...


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#725527 Johan Carbonero
Ünal Burak
4 years ago
2 days ago
By mons 23 January 2023 - 15:10 PM UTC 

@Ünal Burak, just cropping and upscaling your original cut will mean the image isn't as sharp as it would be if you recut the larger version of the source uploaded earlier today.


Cevabınıza saygı duymakla birlikte, kendi oyunuma uygulamamda netlik açısından bir sorun yok.If the subject is a problem of clarity; In addition, the last image I uploaded seems to be in better condition than the previously created and approved works.

#725290 Vitinha
Ünal Burak
4 years ago
2 days ago
By mons 22 January 2023 - 16:15 PM UTC 

Given you seem to have no interest in following the guidelines to these forums, is there any reason you should be allowed to keep ignoring them @Ünal Burak?


If you don't give a justified reason, I'll take it you don't and ban your account.

Sevgili moderatör yukarıda benim gönderimden daha kötü olmasına rağmen kabul edilen fotoğrafları gördükten sonra bu sert yorumunuzu ve tehdidinizi yersiz ve anlamsız buluyorum. yönergelere aykirı bir durum görmediğimden daha açıklayıcı ve kibar bir üslupla cevabınızı bekliyorum