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#607317 How to add kit, logo and face packs to FM2018 Touch on iOS on iPad???
Tomasz Bielski
Ok thx I tried this method 🙂.
Where I found the best skins for FM 21 iOS?
But How to best transfer facepack for iPad?
#607137 How to add kit, logo and face packs to FM2018 Touch on iOS on iPad???
Tomasz Bielski
#607104 How to add kit, logo and face packs to FM2018 Touch on iOS on iPad???
Tomasz Bielski
Me too .. Help me too
#579959 How to add kit, logo and face packs to FM2018 Touch on iOS on iPad???
Tomasz Bielski
It's hard to show. In my screenshot you can see the F1, F2 directories - they have split files from the main Facepack folder. You manually copy 10-20k files and move them into these subfolders. So that each folder contains a maximum of 10-20k files.
You enter the game directory from iExplorer (on Ipad) and copy it to the graphics / faces folder. You copy by selecting and pasting "Paste". All files must be in the "faces" directory (no subfolders) .. Then iExplorer very sluggish but patient. He will start copying.
To see if he is copying. check the directories on iPad from the Finder from time to time. And the graphics directory has to grow. Unfortunately, tedious work, but it works.
When I upload via iExplorer, I can see at least how much data is in the Finder. Because by uploading directly through Finder, I have the impression that it does not throw anything.
The club colors and other extras throw in hassle free. Worse with Facepack.
Sorry for my bad English 🙂
#579871 How to add kit, logo and face packs to FM2018 Touch on iOS on iPad???
Tomasz Bielski
I have the same ... But.. I found a way .. Just divide a folder into subfolders so that each has 10-20 thousand files .. no more! And upload with iExplorer.
#579488 How to add kit, logo and face packs to FM2018 Touch on iOS on iPad???
Tomasz Bielski
Smaller accessories, e.g. club logos and are thrown in without problems. How do you throw in? Do you also have MacOS + Finder?
I don't have to have all the guys because I care only about Europe, i.e. La league, Italian
Sorry for my bad English.. A from Poland 😉
#579136 How to add kit, logo and face packs to FM2018 Touch on iOS on iPad???
Tomasz Bielski
Where I found best facepack for iOS iPad ?