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#794682 FM 2024 FLUT skin dark - 4.0
Hi Flut,
How i change the wide of the left colmn during the games pause, you know, where I put the league table, etc…I show you a picture :
Thank you flut….
#787378 FM 2024 FLUT skin dark - 4.0
I've got the solution.
Delete these lines in the panel “press conference panel" in the human folder:
<layout class="stick_to_sides_attachment" alignment="all" inset="0" apply_to_children="true" />
<layout class="stick_to_sides_attachment" alignment="all" inset="0" apply_to_children="true" />
<widget class="picture" id="prCN" file="backgrounds/press" scale_picture="true" keep_aspect_ratio="false">
<attachment class="test_multiple_globals_attachment" default_value="false">
<list id="get_properties">
<record get_property="section" test_mode="equal" value="PprC" skip_if_null="false"/>
<integer id="set_property" value="Shwn"/>
<widget class="picture" file="boxes/overlay/70/70" scale_picture="true">
<boolean id="keep_aspect_ratio" value="false" />
and reload the skin. the press room will be the old room press…
Thank you flut…
#787369 FM 2024 FLUT skin dark - 4.0
Hi flut,
I'd like the old press room too…the original, you know
Can you help us ???
Thank you…
#785892 FM 2024 FLUT skin dark - 4.0
Forget it…It's because the players are on holidays, I'm asshole
Thank you…
#785888 FM 2024 FLUT skin dark - 4.0
Hi flut,
I have a problem with the skin. In the tactics section, in the pitch board, the kit alternate with oficial kits and default kit but only show me the oficial kits, the other default kit is transparent. This only occur with my team, with IA teams works perfect. I delete the skin, I've uninstalled and clean cache but don't work nothing…and don't show me the circles with the player fit…
Can you help ???
Thank you flut….
#773292 France - National 2 groupe C - 3D - FM24
Thank you man…!!!
#760392 FM 2024 FLUT skin dark - 4.0
Thank you flut…It works great
#758869 FM 2024 FLUT skin dark - 4.0
Hi flut,
I want to put this background :
in calendar section but when i go to the calendar section shows this :
the past year calendar section take the picture from “fixture.jpg” but this year don't work it…Can you help me ???
I have that picture in “default.jpg” in tha background folder because when there is a player without club show this :
and this year I want to do same thing…
Thank You….
#757941 FM 2024 FLUT skin dark - 4.0
Thank You QVordrup…!!!!
#757885 FM 2024 FLUT skin dark - 4.0
Thank you Flut,..!!!
I've fixed by myself. What do you think…??….Is it good ???
#757613 FM 2024 FLUT skin dark - 4.0
Hi flut,
Great skin, for me the only one when I play FM…
One thing, i, the flag of portugal is changed in the metallic logo pack, but in the folder flags - big has the old one…
In the next versions you'll change that flag ??
Thank you and great job !!!
#736131 Portugal - Campeonato de Portugal - 3D'22-23 New! (20/04/23)
Thank you dude….!!!
#733431 Poland - III Liga, Group 2 (3D kits included) UPDATE 02.05.2023
Thank you for the great job…!!!
Only one thing, you must do 2 XML, one for the 2d kits and another one for 3d kits. Just there is one for the 3d kits…
Thank you
#733339 FM 2023 FLUT skin dark - Version 8.0
I'ts perfect like that. I prefer this one than other
Great job, thank you…!!!!
#733140 FM 2023 FLUT skin dark - Version 8.0
Well, thank you for try to solve it.
It's a minor bug that don't change nothing the experience in the game…
Thank you…!!!
#733074 FM 2023 FLUT skin dark - Version 8.0
Sorry Flut,
You can take that player (Michael Gash) like example, because is the start of the save…If you want, of course
Thank you.
#732964 FM 2023 FLUT skin dark - Version 8.0
Thank you…
Well, it was if you knew how solved it.
If you get a solution, please put it.
#732916 FM 2023 FLUT skin dark - Version 8.0
Sorry, I mean “player personal details popup panel”…
Thank you…
#732915 FM 2023 FLUT skin dark - Version 8.0
Hi flut,
Can you help me…???
I don't know what happen with “player overview popup selector panel” because in this picture is everyhing OK but in the picture 2 doesn't work right. My resolution is 100% standard and window mode in 4k.
Thank you a lot…!!!
If you put the mouse in the last player of the list (Michael Gash), show it the wrong way…It's very rare
#729143 Portugal - Liga 3 - 3D'22-23 New! (18/02/23)
Great job…!!!!
#728351 FM 2023 FLUT skin dark - Version 8.0
Try with the folder “alt for skin without backgrounds”. I think that folder solve the problem…
#728319 FM 2023 FLUT skin dark - Version 8.0
Thank Flut for the last version.
Is this the last version of Football Manager 2023 or could be a 8.0 version in the future ??
Thank You….
#728045 FM 2023 FLUT skin dark - Version 8.0
Ok, thank you…I'll investigate a little bit more…
#727752 FM 2023 FLUT skin dark - Version 8.0
Hi flut,
Can you answer me a trouble about the skin of football manager 2022, the last version (6.0)….????
When I have the press, the background isn't the press picture, is the background that i choose in the selector. And I don't touch anything inside the skin, nothing. I just put how you create, nothing more…and this is the screen :
Can you help me….????
Thank you and cheers…
#711846 FC'12 Download Area 2022/23
I am testing the demo version and I can't see the kits of brasil Serie A, serie B, serie C and serie D.
I need a kits hotfix to see them ???
Thank You…
#711841 FC’12 Brazil – Serie A 2022
I test the demo version and I can't see the kits of brasil Serie A, serie B, serie C and serie D.
I need a kits hotfix to see them ???
Thank You…
#711052 FM 2023 FLUT skin dark - Version 8.0
Hi Flut,
I don't know why don't show the city picture when the team hasn't picture….???
The past year I had a picture make for me and put in the background folder like default.jpg but this year I've done the same thing and don't show nothing…
Can you help me ???
Thanks flut…
PD: Don't worry Flut, I've solved putting a picture with a XML with NONE, when the team doesn't have city and works perfectly….Sorry for disturb you
Thank You…
#700128 FC’12 Netherlands – Eredivisie 2022/23 [v3.5]
Sorry @einherjer83 , when you try download the file, the file that you download is the hungary league…only int he Dropbox option.
Thank you…Great job
#686247 FM 2022 FLUT skin dark - 6.0
Hi Flut,
Its Happen again. Which is the panel responsible of the picture…???….attributes don't show in boxes….
I've cleaned cache, restart the computer and nothing…
Thank you flut…
PD: Fix it…when you are no job the players show them like that….thank you
#683779 FM 2022 FLUT skin dark - 6.0
Hi Flut,
I've put the folder with “alt for special backgrounds” and all works except when i enter in press that don't appear nothing…Have I do something else with that folder ??
Thank you again…!!!