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#791727 FM24 League Updates
The England (League) file is the only file that has a “Nation/Continent” nation highlighted, so I can't use it with the England real fixtures file, as “only one file for England can be selected”. How can I fix this? Thanks! @TheMinsterman
#743711 FM23-Real league fixtures and results [WIP] Read the opening post for nations included
I had real fixtures loaded up perfectly in my Chelsea save, but when I got to September, Chelsea were in the Europa League along with Spurs. Chelsea didn’t win any cup competitions even on the save in the 22/23 season to qualify for continental football. Ruined my whole save..
#696446 League Updates FM22
Ok thanks, seems like I need to buy the pre-game editor then!
Edit: Forgot it was free 😂
#696442 League Updates FM22
Not trying to bother but is there anyone who has a file that gives the Premier League the new 5 subs rule without counting against the 1 file per nation/continent limit? I'm not sure if its included the update (club) file. I am asking this because I already have a file for the English division selected (the real fixture results so I could start in 2022-23 instead of 2021-22). Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!