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#710191 SS' Official Kits Thread (NO REQUESTS)
Am I right that the latest England home and away shirt hasn't been created yet for 2d? have tried to find it via search but couldn't see them - only 3d
#704476 SS' Fantasy Kits Thread (NO REAL KITS)
Unbeknown to me I came across the online FM Kit Creator Tool - had a play around as a first timer and for any NFL - Philadelphia Eagles fans like me I created these fantasy kits. Feel free to use
#704474 3D Fantasy Kits Thread
Unbeknown to me I came across the online FM Kit Creator Tool - had a play around as a first timer and for any NFL - Philadelphia Eagles fans like me I created these fantasy kits. Feel free to use
#703544 3D Fantasy Kits Thread
Hi, Can any kit makers please help create 3d kits for these 3 designs for my Red Bull Manchester fantasy file.
Not requiring for anything too detailed - just looking for something so the shirts are visibly decent enough in game during match engine.
I have shared the kit details set up from in game editor that I have set the shorts and socks too for ideas on colours and style.
Home Shirt - See image of SS shirt
Home Shorts - White with Red trim
Home Socks - Black with Red trim
Away Shirt - See image of SS shirt
Away Shorts - Navy with Red trim
Away Socks - White with Red trim
Third Shirt - See image of SS shirt
Third Shorts - Light Blue with Red trim
Third Socks - Light Blue with Red trim
Thank you in advance 🙂
#703395 SS' Official Kits Thread (NO REQUESTS)
It might be my poor ability to locate via the search option but I couldn't see anywhere if we have the new England Home and Away world cup kits in SS released yet?
#697066 James Gale
Thanks for that advice! I knew there was a way that the experts knew 🙂
#697061 George Cooper
Sharing link to web profile page in case editors can cut a better image
#697060 James Gale
Sharing link to web profile page in case editors are able to cut a better image.
#691714 SS' Official Kits Thread (NO REQUESTS)
Hi @bolid74 , Found some minor alterations that have been made to this seasons Mansfield Town away kit ahead of release tomorrow.
Any idea when the 3D version will also be created?
#675751 Liam McCarron
wrong player move to FC United. Should be Josh Galloway as it says on the link
#668095 FM22 Stadium Edits - Updated 06/12/2021
Hi @rabcp
What would you suggest setting in the editor to build Mansfield Town's One Call Stadium to the nearest match so I can apply?
In game it has roof supports in all stands which isnt correct. All stands are 1 tier onto as well.
Appreciate the advice. Thanks
#668074 [FM 22] Vince Skin + Vince Skin Low Res. % CON/SHP v.1.5 - 25/02/2022
Hi, Haven't used this before but I love this skin in FM22!
Can anyone advise how to add or share the coding to copy into the configs to add in Current and Potential Ability in number form to the player profile page instead of the stars view?
Also on the club overview stadium panel it shows inside stadium image by default. I also have the outside image megapack which can only be seen clicking onto the stadium manually. Is it possible to get the stadium to flip on a timer from inside and outside images on the club overview stadium panel as I have seen this on other skins in FM21. Would be great for this skin to show off both images for all stadiums?
Thanks 🙂
#659406 Séamus McDonagh
#659225 Cut-Out Faces Megapack TECHNICAL SUPPORT thread - please read first post before posting
Evening, over the years I have downloaded the changes files and added them too my megapack each month. The last file I downloaded with 13.15. I have noticed version 2022.00 and 2022.01 have since been added to the changes page and say 4k-5k files in each.
Probably me being stupid and forgetting but I am slightly confused whether I need to download these as well? If I click download on 2022.00 it takes me to a page to download the full megapack in 17 separate downloads again?
I downloaded the megapack many years ago and just become used to downloading the monthly updates ever since so I have forgotten what I need to do here now.
#640708 3D Kits Official Thread (NO REQUESTS)
@bolid74 The new Mansfield Town home kit for 2021 and 2022.
Thanks for doing the SS kit same day as official release! super quick and looks great. I had posted links for support.
Since my post the club have now released another image which shows the back of the kit which hadn't been released earlier today. I have attached it for you to help with the 3D kit. It shows the clubs new back of the shirt sponsor “Dukeries Homes”.
#640707 SS' Official Kits Thread (NO REQUESTS)
The new Mansfield Town Shirt for 2021 and 2022.
#636413 Elliott Hewitt
why has this has been processed as a future transfer a year into the start of a new game?
#625473 Keaton Ward
should be at Mansfield Town until the end of the current season. Tried to request but it wont work
#615180 sortitoutsi Background and Stadium Packs Technical Support Thread
I have downloaded the 2021.02, 2021.01 and 2021.00 files so far but I am not sure if I need to also download the multiple 2020 updates as well? I have attached a image of the download history from the site. Assume if what I have done is correct then like with the cut out mega pack I just download the update files when released and copy over into the megapack?
#615091 Liam Lawrence
#582320 Tom Chapman
Tom Chapman is the U18s physio for Mansfield. It looks like both of these players IDs have changed over FM versions. https://www.mansfieldtown.net/teams/academy-whos-who/
I think also due to the ID code that the cut out image of Tom Chapman was incorrectly uploaded in the database for the ID belonging too 95040800 (Alex McMillan)
#581552 FM21 Rensie Purple & Dark
Also out of curiosity, Is it possible to get numerical versions of Overall Physical Condition and Match Sharpness on this years game or do they have to be icons?
#581228 Liam Lawrence
#580880 FM21 Data Update getting 'file needs verification' error - read the opening post[Also FM20 Update is now stopped]
Examples <Record not found> are Billy Granger being transferred to Bournemouth, Liam Lawrence transferred to Stoke, Mamady Sidibé transferred to Stoke, Ashley Cole transferred to Chelsea. All are showing enabled in the Data Update Submission Queue?
#580785 Some kits not working? SSKCC21.4 v5.4 for SS'2020/21 kits on FM21 only Relink! (15/09/21)
ignore me 🙂 I have just seen after downloading it that it includes. Thanks for creating this once again this
#580783 Some kits not working? SSKCC21.4 v5.4 for SS'2020/21 kits on FM21 only Relink! (15/09/21)
does this file include the changes made by Bolid74 for English levels 1-6 and 7-8 so we no longer to use the Bolid74's two files or do we continue to select those when starting a new game as well? Thanks
#580716 Enda Barron
Please disable.
#580163 FM21 Data Update getting 'file needs verification' error - read the opening post[Also FM20 Update is now stopped]
Hi, Will we have to do this every time we download the update? Never had to do this on any other platforms in the previous years using this update?
#579866 Liam Lawrence
I have imported the data update - xml file into the editor and found this change amongst the 168 changes made so far and it says <record not found> but doesn't say failed?
#579492 FM21 Data Update getting 'file needs verification' error - read the opening post[Also FM20 Update is now stopped]
Hi @Footygamer, I have tried to start a new file with the data update and I have this message saying it requires verifying before using. Not had this before when downloading latest Data Updates? Will I need to do this in the editor every time I download a new update? Thanks