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#707529 The GIMPOssible challenge
julien CvC
Annyeonghaseyo yeorobun ! Probably one of the most intense starting situation ever in FM !
Just promoted from K League 3 (champions!!!), the Seoul's east suburb club of Gimpo (formely Citizen) FC is in a very special situation when you will join them :
Your priorities should be to recruit your assistant coach, and at least a recruiter to find some cheap (very cheap) players thanks to your amazing scouting range level (minimum), and some players in loans or free.
In my case I recruited the brasilian Raul (di orlando Barbosa Mendes), Yaya Koné from Ivory Coast, Facundo Esposito from Argentina, Asnawi Mangkualam from Indonesia (ASEAN player) and maybe 7 south korean. Guess what, it's still very hard !
The idea is to sell some of them at the mercato, to bring some dineros a la casa, then stay in K League 2, join the first division the second year if possible, and bring the asian champions league on the side of the Han river estuary someday…
So are convince to take the road to the Gimpo stadium ?
#617323 France - Ligue 2 & National 1-3 SS'2020/21 Relink! (15/01/21)
julien CvC
Thanks Hammer.
But in this case (Thonon) the away kit design exist, it's in the folder with other teams kits, but the field in the editor doesn't exist so the link to the kit is not active. If I well understood your point, if not, sorry.
#617085 France - Ligue 2 & National 1-3 SS'2020/21 Relink! (15/01/21)
julien CvC
Some Away kits are not working in National3. For exemple SC lyon kits are working well, but for Thonon Evian only the home jersey is working.
I tried with France 20-21 150121.fmf too.
in the editor the field for away jersey doesnt exist