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#739701 How to edit UEFA Fair Play rules?
[FAQs]- Editor How To Guide -Advanced Rule editing
This FAQ was a replaced by the new one, or permanently deleted? I'm asking because, I forgot how to enable advanced rules for continents.
#689205 Cut-Out Faces Megapack TECHNICAL SUPPORT thread - please read first post before posting
In fact, thanks a lot for your help, I don't know how it happened that I made a mistake in the ID.
#689128 Cut-Out Faces Megapack TECHNICAL SUPPORT thread - please read first post before posting
I use Flut Skin 5.0, I use your cut out file but still doesn't work. I send screenshots:
#688911 Cut-Out Faces Megapack TECHNICAL SUPPORT thread - please read first post before posting
I send you a PM with xml and image.
Edit: Contents of PM moved to here
#688405 Cut-Out Faces Megapack TECHNICAL SUPPORT thread - please read first post before posting
I use FMXML to create config file, and also i clear cache but still my facepack doesnt work's.
#688342 Cut-Out Faces Megapack TECHNICAL SUPPORT thread - please read first post before posting
I added a new player to the database and I wanted to add a face pack to him, but unfortunately it does not work, the ID is correct, everything is fine in the FM settings (other graphic add-ons work without any problems, such as, for example, metalic logos megapack or MEGAPACK cut-out, size is correct, the .png format is preserved, in previous FM editions with the same photo I had no problem (I only changed the ID), and in this one it does not want to work and to be honest I have no idea how to solve it.
#687692 🛠️ Metallic Logos Technical Support Thread
Club with this ID: 99, FC Ararat-Armenia is in Megapack? Because I cna't see logo in game.
#682618 How to edit UEFA Fair Play rules?
Thx, it works. As for the changes that I made, I have been playing FM since CM 99/00, and I haven't missed any part. Since UEFA introduced FFP, I have always played with UEFA limits, but in this edition I decided to delve a bit into the FM editor and change it to just such large amounts because I am very curious how big clubs like PSG, Manchester City or Real Madrid will be in FM 2022 operate on the transfer market, and over the years the work of SI has greatly evolved when it comes to AI. Personally, I always play a club in the Polish Ekstraklasa, so building a rich elite is very difficult in itself 😉 I also read a few days ago rumors that Newcastle United is about to buy Nyemar, so who knows, maybe thanks to these changes it will happen in my FM 😀
#682534 How to edit UEFA Fair Play rules?
I have such settings in the editor:
The game would be perfect, but I don't know how to eliminate the selected "parameter"
Default settings in a clean database:
#682276 How to edit UEFA Fair Play rules?
I managed to disable the FFP for the European cups, but I can't set FPP rules to change the values in the screenshot below, could you tell me how to set new FPP rules to increase the selected amounts?
#682119 How to edit UEFA Fair Play rules?
How to edit the amount in FFP from 4,000,000 to e.g. 100,000,000?
#681973 Problem with Fifa Club World Cub When I try Save Changes
For Fifa CLub World Cup I create a standalone file.
#681946 Problem with Fifa Club World Cub When I try Save Changes
In general, in the FM 21 editor I followed this movie https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rMJDpAUu3g8 and everything was ok, in the FM 22 editor I unmarked only the active fields in the filters, and I did the rest according to the same movie.
#681941 Problem with Fifa Club World Cub When I try Save Changes
In this same country I was adding advanced rules for CL, EL, ECL, Uefa Youth League and everything was saved without any problems, only with Fifa Club World Cup I have problem.
#681922 Problem with Fifa Club World Cub When I try Save Changes
When I edits cash prizes in the FIfa club world cup, I have this error, and I can't deal with it:
This error appears only if I leave the country and continent fields in the competitions detalis tab as "none" .
#681754 How to on Advenced rules For CL, EL etc. in FM 22 Editor?
With CL everything seems alright (I only edits cash prizes), but when I edits cash prizes in the FIfa club world cup, I have this error, and I can't deal with it:
This error appears only if I leave the country and continent fields in the competitions detalis tab as "none" .
#681644 How to on Advenced rules For CL, EL etc. in FM 22 Editor?
Thx, uncheck box in filters works 🙂
#681612 How to on Advenced rules For CL, EL etc. in FM 22 Editor?
How to on Advenced rules For CL, EL etc. in FM 22 Editor? Because in FM 2022 Editor Is only continent, it is no longer possible to change the country .
#632268 sortitoutsi Background and Stadium Packs Technical Support Thread
I have this path for pack:
E:\FM 18\graphics\pictures\sortitoutsi Backgrounds Megapack
And In fm I can't see new backgrounds. I have off buffor for skin. My other graphics addon's work fine. I use Flut skin.
#364537 FM2017 Real Names and German National Team Fix File v2.1 for FM17.3.0 [03/03/2017]
#361366 AD Boards
#357707 FM2017 Real Names and German National Team Fix File v2.1 for FM17.3.0 [03/03/2017]
Sry i tap on Phone and i dont precise my question I have on mind full name of Polish Club who plays in Lotto and first Devision.
Sry for my English.
#357670 FM2017 Real Names and German National Team Fix File v2.1 for FM17.3.0 [03/03/2017]
#352031 Fm16 pack not fully compatible with FM17?
#304579 Scoreboard needed
#302035 Steklo X6
#299386 💡 Metallic Logos Request Thread
KS Chwaszczyno
ID: 96093640
Wolczanka Wolka Pelkinska
ID: 96093691
Podhale Nowy Targ
ID: 96093176
or logo from this picture (I don't now witch better for you)
Energia Kozienice
ID: 96093744
Sokol Sieniawa
ID: 96085912
KKS Kalisz
ID: 96092811
Sola Oświecim
ID: 96081274
Orzel Przeworsk
ID: 71091360
#298144 How to...?
#218421 💡 Metallic Logos Request Thread
ID: 96069299
#216993 💡 Metallic Logos Request Thread
ID 40026575