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#749732 TCM24 Logopack by TCMLogos - Update 24.2 Available (Jul 22)
Throwaway D.
Hey man !
First of all, thank you so much for answering even on vacation. You should have just enjoyed your holiday but still, thanks !
So, after what you said, I went back to the original Megapack (I kept the .rar, lucky me) and copy/pasted the config.xml from Europe/Normal in the Megapack to the corresponding FM23 folder and it now works ! Something must have bugged when I put the update in but now it all works !
Once again, thanks and enjoy your vacation 🙂
#749730 TCM24 Logopack by TCMLogos - Update 24.2 Available (Jul 22)
Throwaway D.
It's weird because I did not merge them, I followed your site instructions :/
#749727 TCM24 Logopack by TCMLogos - Update 24.2 Available (Jul 22)
Throwaway D.
Hey everyone, I have an issue that I just don't know how to fix. I just realised that the Normal logos from TCM are not loading for certain clubs only.
In the attachment, you can see that Real Madrid small logo is loading fine (Close to the UCL Championship on the left) but on the right, their logo is the base one, despite the logo being in the game files, same as all others logos.
I've cleared cache, reload the theme but nothing is working. The only other files I've downloaded for this game is the FaceGAN from Zealand.
Thanks for any help !