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#712835 Dutch Football Pyramid down to Tier 7
So i decided to take my own hand on trying to make a Dutch Football Pyramid EditorData, with the help of the fm22 file from TomIjssel (I dont know if the current creator is on this forum) and managed to get every team in their place, the lower league cups to qualify for the big national cup and get all the league rules in place, mainly cuz they were all set, i changed the name of the 4th tier to their new name, but then i run into an issue.
Every single time i try to run the rules, it reverts back to the starting file even tho i loaded the saved edited file, and this is my first ever time using the editor, can someone help me figure out the problem?
Edit: I now found out where to change some of the stuff, but now its giving me errors while i fixed them. I am very clueless now at what im doing wrong because it all is in the right places, with the right links and all the errors removed yet it keeps giving me errors.
#656012 Netherlands - Eerste Divisie, Tweede Divisie & Lower Leagues 3D'2020/21 for FM20/21 Relink! (16/03/20)
im hoping so too, ive been longing for a real in depth fm22 save! what do you wanna do with placeholders btw? some amateur teams like mine dont have a away kit but have done concept kits, maybe thats an idea?
#655913 Netherlands - Eerste Divisie, Tweede Divisie & Lower Leagues 3D'2020/21 for FM20/21 Relink! (16/03/20)
i can certainly help you out with it! im not very familiar with the lower leagues but it helps that i am dutch so know where to look :p, will shoot you a dm this weekend with as much as the kits n stuff as i can!
#655463 Netherlands - Eerste Divisie, Tweede Divisie & Lower Leagues 3D'2020/21 for FM20/21 Relink! (16/03/20)
do you still take requests for FM22? Im gonna do a SV DSO road to glory and i wonder if you can help me make it authentic!
I can supply both kits and sponsor logo references and anything else u need!
#655458 Holland - Lower Leagues SS'2020/21 New! (24/06/21)
The Team ID: 37025691
I tried my best to get the sponsor logos as good as possible and as accurate!
I also have the sponsor logos if you prefer them to be put in too! first time ever requesting anything like this so im sorry for being so questiony and annoying!
(Sponsor Logos on the new home kit are the correct ones, if those could be used on the away kit too, youre absolutely awesome <3)
#655276 Holland - Lower Leagues SS'2020/21 New! (24/06/21)
Hey man! im planning on doing an own Road to Glory with my Local Club S.V. DSO, if i supply enough pictures for reference, could that be put in here?
(Theyre in the Tweede Klasse Zaterdag C)