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#185620 SS' Official Kits Thread (NO REQUESTS)
Of course, when you do all the job of creating the stuff, the least one can do is to do some of the research(?)
Championship 1 should be possible at least (?)
I'll see what I can do, by the way, I guess you don't release packs until you got all the team in the division in question (in case some are harder to dig up than others)
Thanks for the heads up, and also for the Galway kits, I'll make a temporary config file just for them then
#185222 SS' Official Kits Thread (NO REQUESTS)
And what about Galway FC? Are they included in some update for the Irish First Division?
#185096 Help with Galway logo please
I found their old logo in the "system" (searching for it by appearance...) so I made a little fix folder with config file
Will try out updates 4 and then 5
Edit: it works!
#180677 Help with Galway logo please
So far I've only found their logo missing (have downloaded part 1-3 previously)
Edit: No, it does not...
I guess this is because the old Galway United FC does not exist anymore, and has been replaced by the fans trust creation Galway FC (?)
#172473 Sporting Toulon Var - a shit club in the Cote d'Azur [FM14]
Well written FM stories don't come around everyday; too many just list up a bunch of results and have zero personality in their writing.
You on the other hand have a loads of personality, and I like the no-nonsense style
This brings back memories to my first meeting with the series, CM 97/98, were I had part of my focus on the French league, managing 3 sides (...) at the same time, one of them being Toulon!
Anyways before I bore you all to death here: my point being; great read!
Keep it coming
#144197 Standard Fantasy/Request Logo only (NO PACKS) Thread
Will test it shortly.
#144135 Standard Fantasy/Request Logo only (NO PACKS) Thread
Can someone make this in big, left, right, small?
(Cardiff City replacement)
#143232 💡 Metallic Logos Request Thread