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#658987 FM2022 Licensing and Real Name Fix File v4.1 for FM22.4.1 [released on 04/04/2022] - final version
I didn't need to, didn't even see the option to allow the installation of mods.
Possibly as I used Microsoft store app to download
#658648 FM2022 Licensing and Real Name Fix File v4.1 for FM22.4.1 [released on 04/04/2022] - final version
Add in the equivalent folder for Gamepass PC as Program Files\ModifiableWindowsApps\Football Manager 2022\data\database
PC GamePass Installation
Program Files\ModifiableWindowsApps\Football Manager 2022\data\database\db\2200
DELETE the dbc , edt and lnc folders
Program Files\ModifiableWindowsApps\Football Manager 2022\data\database\db\2201
DELETE the dbc , edt and lnc folders
Program Files\ModifiableWindowsApps\Football Manager 2022\data\databasee\db\2210
DELETE the dbc , edt and lnc folders
Notes: Could be
\Program Files (x86)\
or\Program Files\
depending on your set up.???Sorry for robbing your formatting but thought it would be easier.
#607123 SS' Fantasy Kits Thread (NO REAL KITS)
Is it possible you can do the bottom black one, in a red(home) and also in white(away) all be it with a red bull manchester logo if you do logo creating. I've tried looking around but useless with designing things.
Sorry if not possible.
#580591 Jesé
#580221 SS' Fantasy Kits Thread (NO REAL KITS)
Ideally after something in the style of Red Bull teams but with the details included below.
Adidas as sponsor w/ 3 stripe on the shoulder & possibly Xbox as shirt sleeve sponsor if at all possible
Logo: Similar to the one previously posted here but Red Bull Manchester. https://sortitoutsi.net/content/188/fantasyrequest-kit-thread?page=105#comment_532989
Home: https://sortitoutsi.net/uploads/mirrored_images/ztKkdcpelx0bJ0rJ5jgkHxcDGKT67sDrZTS6XqIT.png - Colours https://www.footballkitarchive.com/manchester-united-2016-17-away-kit/
Away: https://sortitoutsi.net/uploads/mirrored_images/LAXd0T4M275hg03FEF5UVMRIT3cuVMkA1YA2qRBq.png - Colours https://www.footballkitarchive.com/images/2019/06/nNLbPQSl7OoTjJx/manchester-united-2015-16-away.jpg
Third: https://sortitoutsi.net/uploads/mirrored_images/q17UHsggyD4xaIaknDAA2UwqTdi2YqdMBJ5Z4LXV.pngL - Colours https://www.footballkitarchive.com/manchester-united-2015-16-third-kit/
GK: Not sure if needed but if so, this kind of colour to match the designs - https://www.footballkitarchive.com/manchester-united-2015-16-gk-away-kit/