Daniel Knowles - Comments

#650322 Cut-Out Faces Megapack TECHNICAL SUPPORT thread - please read first post before posting
Daniel Knowles
3 years ago
3 months ago
By mons 20 September 2021 - 10:23 AM UTC 

Nope, that's why I recommended you download the 14 subsequent update packs. The torrent only includes what was available when it was released in November 2020; the update packs have to be downloaded separately.


Ah there's my misunderstanding, I thought the torrent was updated alongside each update file, so it started off as just the based and then the torrent file grew, while the static download files remained individual. No probs, will maybe get in and do that later. See above editted post for Extraction update, 78% done after 90 mins so getting there, WinRar estimated badly haha. Thanks for all your help

#650318 Cut-Out Faces Megapack TECHNICAL SUPPORT thread - please read first post before posting
Daniel Knowles
3 years ago
3 months ago
By mons 20 September 2021 - 10:06 AM UTC 

I'm not sure I understand what you're saying in the last paragraph, so I'll explain a bit better.


Prior to the game being released, we release a base megapack for that version, available via torrent, e.g. 13.0 was released in November 2020. Each base pack contains the base megapack for the previous year (e.g. 12.0 for FM20) plus all the update pack released since then. After each base pack is released, we also release frequent update packs adding new or improved images every 3 or 4 weeks.


I'm assuming that the file you've downloaded is the 13.0 megapack - so if that's the case, for you to be fully up-to-date with all the images in the megapack, you would need to download 13.01, 13.02 etc all the way up to the most recent pack 13.14.


Look at it as each update pack being a building block on top of the previous update pack 🙂


I downloaded using the torrent file, believed this included all of the update files within that one download command?


Update on extraction: just went back to check and it's on 78% with 90 mins running and 30 mins left, so yes very inaccurate estimation by WinRar 🤣

#650314 Cut-Out Faces Megapack TECHNICAL SUPPORT thread - please read first post before posting
Daniel Knowles
3 years ago
3 months ago
By mons 20 September 2021 - 09:23 AM UTC 

I'm aware that sometimes with such a big file, the computer gets the calculation of extraction time wrong but it does speed up after a while. Based on what other users say, it may take around an hour or slightly more with all conditions being ideal, so close any running programs and Chrome tabs for example.


I would recommend that you have as few apps open as possible when extracting it because I am led to understand the extraction process is very resource-intensive and focusing the computer's resources solely on it will speeden up the process. If you leave it overnight and it's only partly extracted means there's something wrong somewhere. Perhaps restarting the system and giving it a clean slate before starting the extract process might help.


Instead of repeating the process all over again for FM22, it might be worth downloading the update packs released since the torrent came out, i.e. update packs 13.01 to 13.14, and apply them chronologically 😉


Thanks for the prompt response. Yeah I have all othe programs closed, started extraction from a new restart so nothing should be going on in the background. Luckily I'm working in the daytime so I can let it run, just would like it done sooner so I can get it moved into the right folder and check before I sit down for the evening session.


Advice noted on the process for next year, so the main file will remain the same and then just follow the updates for new faces? So say I'm December there will maybe only be the 13.01 update file to download? Like old like the torrent file contains the same number of files as the most recent update at the moment

#650311 Cut-Out Faces Megapack TECHNICAL SUPPORT thread - please read first post before posting
Daniel Knowles
3 years ago
3 months ago

Hi, I've downloaded full 17gb file, now trying to extract using WinRar (originally tried 7Zip but saw here WinRar is preferred), started off saying 8 hours to complete which I was fine with, now it's gone up to 27 hours 🤣 which is a bit less fine. My laptop is relatively old, will be getting a new one round November December but it still runs FM21 fine. Trying to extract to same local hard drive I have everything else for FM21 on, with nothing else running in the background, but it's looking like this facepack is going to take a bit long. Anyone any ideas? I have another smaller facepack already but I like this cutout one, next year will go straight for cutout, thanks if anyone can advise