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#651526 Adboard Patch FAQ & Technical Support Thread
….it works.
I have no idea why. I started a new save, played some matches. Didn't work. Shut the computer down. Waited a day and started playing on my old save again, and the ad-board videoes now work perfectly. I re-applied all the extracting steps, I also have a SI folder on my "D:" Drive which I also added the videos to. I still didn't work until 24+ hours later so the main reason it worked I just don't know.
Could it be a mix of old highlights not working and friendlies not working? So that it actually worked the entire time, I just couldn't see them in game.
#651421 Adboard Patch FAQ & Technical Support Thread
I don't think so, no. Is there any way to replace the videoes with standard ad-boards so that it look like the stadiums in e.g. the Norwegian Eliteserien/English Sky-Bet?
#651405 Adboard Patch FAQ & Technical Support Thread
Did you ever get the video ad-boards to work HansaPilsner? I am having the exact problem you had and the pictures you attached of St.James Park is just like it looks in my game as well. Same placement of the files in the folders also.
#651378 Adboard Patch FAQ & Technical Support Thread
I also stuggle with black video ads. At first I got the FM 2008 “bug”, but then I changed the name of the folder from "Pictures"→"pictures" and the picture ads are working. However the videoes does not. My GPU is from the 30-series, I have the highest settings on. “graphics/pictures/ads” and “FM21/ads/fm.xml” is placed correctly.
The videoes are in “C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Football Manager 2021\data\simatchviewer_uncompressed\videos\hd\video_ads”.
I have tested in homegames for the big teams, in Bundesliga, Premier League, Serie A etc. in Europa League and in Champions League and in the World Cup. I have added graphics for logoes, skins, kits, facepacks, background/stadium pictures etc. All work, except video-ads. Any ideas why this could be?
Does “Steam” or “Football Manager 2021” also have to be lowercase?
You are doing great work. Thank you!
edit: yes, I logged into my 11 year old account to make my first post.