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#423949 Replacement FM18-21 Default Person Images
Would you by any chance know how to remove the picture all together for both the newgens and the existing player base? As in so that there are no player profile pics whatsoever? Thanks.
#285400 Netherlands Logo Keeps Swaping
The black one is the default, the whit the one I wanted to use as a replacement..
#285296 Netherlands Logo Keeps Swaping
#285214 Netherlands Logo Keeps Swaping
I downloaded a nice new logo (amongst many others all working fine) for the Netherlands, the problem is it keeps swapping between the one I downloaded and the default one
I have searched my entire SDD for 784 and the only exact return is the one I downloaded. I even manually checked all the folders and sub folders for a duplicate logo and the config file, but there all ok.
So.. One logo, just one, on my SDD which works then doesnt.. examples below:
Anyone else had this issue and know of a work around.
Two: Is the one I have downloaded, and One is the one it keeps switching back to only on certain screens, Im guessing thats the default. It might not be a HUGE issue, but its driving me crazy and any help is most appreciated.
#282742 SS' Fantasy Kits Thread (NO REAL KITS)
Just thought I would share my fantasy Juve kits. Obviously all the real hard work goes to the guys whom made the templates, so cheers for them.
#247213 Disabling Player/Staff pics ALL
b) Preferrences...
I never had any issues with FM14 and I was playing that on a Mac, but before that it was PC all the way, maybe its to do with OS X?
I also cannot get the Data Editor files to show up when loading the Data Editor from the real names fix here on Sortitoutsi.. I mean the German national team fix works but the media names etc, don't..
They are .dbc files, where as the saved data file I make when using the Editor is an .fmf
Sorry that was off topic and I'll have to start paying you for tech support if I keep on adding issues. But as you can see from the above, the file structure is ok, there are no .png's in the folders, just the config and I have taken the required steps in the in-game prefs.
Now I know this is gonna sound fussy, but Im not sure about the empty space left when using a blank .png, are there any resources on creating Skins for FM15? I couldn't see any when I browsed the forums (but then I wasn't looking all that hard), I will take another look.
Ive got my free trial of the latest Photoshop, so might have a bash at making my own skin to solve my problems.
#247183 Disabling Player/Staff pics ALL
#246909 Disabling Player/Staff pics ALL
Don't mean to sound dense, but do you just mean like a screenshot or something?
#246862 Disabling Player/Staff pics ALL
Thanks for getting back to me.
I placed the files (configs) in their original sub-directories, copied straight over from what I extracted. So, in my docs they are in the FM folder then Graphics.
Here is the structure of the extracted folders:
small & normal
The only directory missing is "data" but surely thats not required? I mean Im placing these in My Docs.
Anyway I found an alternative way of accomplishing this. Albeit a time consuming ridiculous way.
If (using the structure above) I open each individual .png and simply erase the players face, (leaving the transparent background) it will work in game as a replacement image.
Now... you might have guessed, but I don't really want to do this.. no.. far too lazy..
#246644 Disabling Player/Staff pics ALL
Hey me again,
I found and extracted all the player pics, went through each sub-folder and deleted the images leaving the config files and structure intact..
Now I have been playing FM since it was CM way back since 95, and have been using the great graphics froths site and others pretty much since it allowed for it to be used.
So I know about unticking "use skin cache" and reload skin on confirm..
But this hasn't worked, you could probably guess that by now, are there some new tricks you have to do with this years edition?
default blacked out faces and the pre-existing packed faces still showing despite your advice, now I am not saying what you said is wrong, as I'm actually pretty sure its spot on, but I have no idea whats causing it to fail.
Any help is much appreciated
#246243 Disabling Player/Staff pics ALL
I had to wipe my HD and who would have known super fast broadband could be so slow re-downloading FM, I'll try this out later on.
Cheers again
#245990 Disabling Player/Staff pics ALL
#245715 Disabling Player/Staff pics ALL
I have tried unarchiving panels.fmf and setting the following line:
<!-- profile picture -->
<widget class="client_object_profile_picture" id="prop" scale_picture="true" keep_aspect_ratio="true" image_alignment="centre">
<attachment class="test_setting_attachment" get_setting="show_portraits" default_value="false" set_property="hidn">
But this didn't work for me, any ideas?
#245713 FMC for FM 2015
I have tried unarchiving panels.fmf and setting the following line:
<!-- profile picture -->
<widget class="client_object_profile_picture" id="prop" scale_picture="true" keep_aspect_ratio="true" image_alignment="centre">
<attachment class="test_setting_attachment" get_setting="show_portraits" default_value="false" set_property="hidn">
But this didn't work for me, any ideas?