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#514597 I still can't get Int'l job!
Tough Guy
I saw that Vietnam had a job available and applied as a joke. I was rejected which made me laugh.
Does FM 2020 not allow you to coach a club AND international team?
#514425 How to prevent B team player from playing for 1 game?
Tough Guy
How can I prevent the B team players from playing on that day?
Do I have to move them to the Main squad and then move them back to B team after game?
#512330 Why do I miss so many PKs??
Tough Guy
Finishing 17
Penalty Taking 19
Composure 13.
He has made 12 of 21 PKs.
Why does he miss so damn much???
#512094 Why does my striker miss so many PKs?
Tough Guy
Finishing 17
Penalty Taking 19
Composure 13.
He has made 12 of 21 PKs.
Why does he miss so damn much???
#504255 Board blocks all transfers
Tough Guy
When I try to sign a player the board blocks it saying "The board feels the club has not signed enough players from domestic rivals".
Porto, Benfica and Sporting do NOT sign players from each other (except the occasional free transfer). And any decent player is way too expensive. This is why these 3 teams buy cheap players from South America.
I feel like the game is broken for me.
What do I do???
#503126 How to force U19 and B team to use my tactics?
Tough Guy
#461946 Training for National team??
Tough Guy
After 5 seasons with FC Porto I also got Brazil national team job so I control a club and country.
I do not see how to setup training for Brazil?
How do I get them up to speed with my tactics??
#139910 Scheduling problems - Games 2 days apart
Tough Guy
In real life the league games would be changed to Friday or Saturday.
Will this be fixed?
My players cannot play both games as they do not recover in time.
#138727 How do I use Steam downloaded tactic??
Tough Guy
#135041 How do I use Steam downloaded tactic??
Tough Guy
But when I go to tactics it is not one of the archived tactics nor is it in the list default tactics.
What do I need to do??
#29926 Q. about Scouting
Tough Guy
When I started a new game, with Porto, I had 8 scouts and 7 of them were scouting new talent. Each of them was scouting new talent in a different country.
When you give assignment for New Talent you do NOT choose the country right? The scout will change country on his own?
If I assign a scout to an individual country or region, is he searching for new talent in that country?