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#807933 Pep 4-2-3-1 City 23-24 GOALS GALORE TACTIC 135 GOALS HAALAND 96 GOALS
Sorry, but terrible - put it on holiday mode on my Tactic testing save, was sacked beginning of December bottom of the league
#800728 ALL Issues with premium membership including cancelling- post here[read the opening post before posting]
I get why you wanted to keep it separate, I don't get why you feel the need to make the latest data update for the current game, an additional cost.
I paid for a premium membership for two reasons:
As neither of those are fully available right now, there seems no point continuing to pay
Do you even have permission from SI to charge for data updates, not sure this isn't a breach of their commerical rights
#800720 ALL Issues with premium membership including cancelling- post here[read the opening post before posting]
For info, I have just suspended my premium membership from the next due date.
This is 100% in protest at the layered premium options introduced asking for further monies for the proper data update files.
I'll resume membership when a proper data update, with updated attributes, is resumed
#757862 Ange's AMAZING 4231 FM24 Tactic! | 63% Possession! | Football Manager 2024
424 Wing Galore from chizinha holds 2nd place currently
#1 is 343 Italian KO III
#3 is FM24 4132 Cookie Roasted
#757857 Ange's AMAZING 4231 FM24 Tactic! | 63% Possession! | Football Manager 2024
Indeed, Delicious is #1 and #3 in my tactics tests so far in beta - and two more in #8 and #9 positions out of a total 33 tactics tested now
#702460 Data Update Home Thread
Any reason I cannot find Jobe Bellingham anywhere, loaded a new game with updated data and a 70k player database, but he is nowhere to be seen, one of Birmingham's brightest prospects