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#695270 sortitoutsi Background and Stadium Packs Technical Support Thread
This is what I have been getting, I think it has bugged my whole game as well. It doesn't open anymore since I've downloaded it. It still won't open even after deleting it too.
Thanks for checking it for me!
#695253 sortitoutsi Background and Stadium Packs Technical Support Thread
I have downloaded the file for FM22 before and it worked absolutely fine. However, the recent changes are corrupt and have been crashing my game. I have deleted the megapack because of this thinking it was an issue on my end. Well… it's not. I re-downloaded it and got a pop-up saying that the zip file was corrupt. So I think the creator of the pack or anyone who controls the contributions, needs to sort it out asap because I currently cannot play FM anymore because it crashes my game before it even loads…
If this issue is sorted then let me know please… this pack has been super cool to have and it has made my experience feel more interesting.