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#676126 Manage Views - bug
Drowsy Football
I have all the time had the possibility to customize my view when viewing my shortlist but now It suddenly is a bug there.
I make my customized view but if I watch one players profile and go back it just changes to the pre-made “Overview” setting. If I then hit the screen at some specific places it gets back to my customized view but then I have to sort the players again.
Anyone had that strange problem or anyone know what I potentially is doing wrong? Maybe its not a bug - but it for sure look like that the pre-made view just denies to let my customized view stay. It actually kills me and the fun of playing.
Please help an annoyed kid.
#675335 No Brexit for default DB and FM22.3 Update [plus Derby and Reading points deductions for default database only]
Drowsy Football
None of these files will work on a Mac. Could you do a walkthrough of how you change these settings? My main problem is to manage to get England back into EU. Its not possible to go to agreements and just add agreements while I am in advanced rules for England.