DobarMatheo - Comments

#740384 FM 2023 FLUT skin dark - Version 8.0
3 years ago
10 months ago
By flut 11 June 2023 - 19:49 PM UTC 

Try this one and let me know if is okay.


@flut Thank you very much! Now it is, how it should be 🙂 

#740375 FM 2023 FLUT skin dark - Version 8.0
3 years ago
10 months ago

@flut and looking now like this 😕

#740374 FM 2023 FLUT skin dark - Version 8.0
3 years ago
10 months ago
By flut 10 June 2023 - 13:50 PM UTC 

Hi all


First of all I apologize for my absence. However I am very busy on these days. 

Here are your questions with my comments (for some of the questions I don't know the answers or I can't positively satisfy your requests. Sorry…) in blue.





Regarding your questions:


Firstly, how do I have to interpret the CA and PA attributes in the player overview? Since it seems those don't match the hidden CA/PA numbers or the star ratings.

I've installed alt 10 for now since I don't understand it, but would like to understand it. – I believe they correspond. However, the CA/PA is in a 0-20 scale and the other information in 0-200 scale.


Secondly, is there a way to use your skin with attributes, but without the hidden attributes (including hidden CA/PA numbers). – yes, is possible, but you should remove and change many pieces of code in various xml. Thus, I can’t explain you how should you do. However, if you want you can just remove a few of that information, removing the files abilityinformation.xml and abilityinformation1.xml yacs information.xml and yacs information3.xml (in the case of these last two files you also will remove other player information…). And don’t forget that you will have an empty space in the place of that information…





Regarding your question: use the attached file named player training attirbute changes.xml (place it it player folder of the skin and reload the game)




For adjust the kit number/name in your first screenshot, please read the pdf file I included in the skin pack. There, I explain how should you proceed.

Regarding the second screenshot, you can adjust the numbers in generic/kit icon53.xml (the steps for adjust the size of the numbers are the same I explain in the pdf tutorial for the other cases)






For staff members, is there a possibility to remove the textual information and restore the colored bar to indicate the level of knowledge of a country? _ I couldn’t do it. It seems is hardcoded.


Is it possible to ensure that the color of the shirts of the players called up for the national team is not changed on the main page of the club and to ensure that it remains unchanged? – unfortunately I don’t know why this happen and how to fix it. Sorry. When this happens in my game I reload it if I want to solve the “problem”.


The number of followers, which I imagine is in any case a fantasy value, what does it refer to? What determines this number? The club's reputation perhaps? or what other data? I don’t know answer your question. Sorry. However, I tend to agree with you. I believe this number maybe is related to the reputation of the club.




Regarding your questions….you did so many requests…In fact for trying to answer all of them I need to look at many many xmls and as you can imagine I have no time to do it (overall you almost require a “new” version of the skin, adjusted for 1080, 85% ZOOM 😊). Sorry but I can’t do it. 


Also, if it's not a problem you mention in the original post somewhere that you personally use the Metalic country flags and competition trophies because they are shown on the screenshots but are not included. – Yes the metallic logos pack is not included in the skin (you can find it here in sourtitoutsi), except for the “country locator” since each country locator (specially made for the skin) contains the flag and the country logo.


And one suggestion, to have the player card consistent on all panels. It makes no sense to be able to choose if it is not persistent across them all. – Could you please explain a little bit more these questions? 


I'm also attaching my fix for player kits' numbers and names on player profiles. It's good for Windowed mode at 1080p resolution with 85% zoom. If someone wants to use it, just unpack it in the skin folder and allow overwriting of the files when prompted. – Thanks!!




Yes you are right. Please try the file attached named player attributes comparison panel.xml (place it in player folder of the skin). And please let me know if it works.




@flut not working, now this happens if i click to compare: 

#739051 FM 2023 FLUT skin dark - Version 8.0
3 years ago
10 months ago

Hey @flut ,
first at all, Great Skin! I like it! Big respect!

So I have a Problem…
i tweaked teh skin with your “alt” instructions, now i wanted to have the Attributes without the boxes.
In normal Penel is all fine, but now I find a problem:


In the Penel where you compare players, the first player attributtes, are fine now, but the second player have still the boxes BUT without anything in it.
I want to have all, without boxes, and to see the attributes again!
Do you have a solution for me?