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#719148 FC’12 Official Thread (NO REQUESTS)
I hoped it would work, but it didn't. It makes me crazy, really!
#716766 FC’12 Official Thread (NO REQUESTS)
Hi guys, I have a problem with ALL 2D kits.
Basically I put all the different jerseys but I don't see them in game. I see the logos, the faces, the 3D kits, but the 2D ones just don't feel like working. Obviously, the xml file is within each folder. The thing that makes me laugh is that precisely ALL custom graphics work, except these damn 2D jerseys. They are driving me crazy! Any advice?
Another nonsense, in the main menu I see them, INSIDE the game I do not see them.
Screenshots attached in the spoiler.
In some teams I only see the third jersey, for example.
#716113 FC’12 Italy – Serie B 2022/23 [v3.0]
Another nonsense, in the main menu I see them, INSIDE the game I do not see them.
In some teams I only see the third jersey, for example.
#716095 FC’12 Italy – Serie B 2022/23 [v3.0]
I did everything you indicated. It always worked on all the old FMs, on this one it just won't work. The thing that makes me laugh is that precisely ALL custom graphics work, except these damn 2D jerseys. They are driving me crazy!
#716080 FC’12 Italy – Serie B 2022/23 [v3.0]
Obviously, the xml file is within each folder.
#716034 FC’12 Italy – Serie B 2022/23 [v3.0]
Hi guys, I have a problem with ALL 2D kits.
Basically I put all the different jerseys but I don't see them in game. I see the logos, the faces, the 3D kits, but the 2D ones just don't feel like working. Any advice?