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FM24/25 Update Wonderkids
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FM24/25 Update Club Budgets
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Fantasy Football
#800676 Football Manager 2023/2024
Phil Ackah
Bro just want to ask when you are releasing your new database
#799090 FM24 transfer update
Phil Ackah
Please who has a transfer update for the 24/25 season for FM24 with a starting date of 2024
#799089 FM24 2024 Summer Start date with Promoted Teams + Data Update.
Phil Ackah
Great work mate
#789391 Football Manager 2023/2024
Phil Ackah
So if the database is not compatible with your game version it will not work
Maybe the database supports only the last update of FM 23
But if you have it, it will work
#788332 Football Manager 2023/2024
Phil Ackah
Creat one and put the file inside and lead it when you open the game
#785740 Football Manager 2023/2024
Phil Ackah
Great piece of work from you
thanks mate
#784677 Football Manager 2023/2024
Phil Ackah
Thanks mate
looking forward to it 🤝
#784492 Football Manager 2023/2024
Phil Ackah
What do you mean?
#784474 Football Manager 2023/2024
Phil Ackah
Thank you very much for giving us a New update
Will always appreciate your good work
#784381 Football Manager 2023/2024
Phil Ackah
You are taking this out of context and it's fine to have our own opinion about what I said but I'm just trying to tell him that we haven't forgotten the work he has done so we are still waiting for more from him. It was wonderful work from him that's why we are still waiting for him and will always appreciate his wonderful piece of work
So please you can have your own opinion but it will never be the same as what I said.
#784166 Football Manager 2023/2024
Phil Ackah
Can you give me a reason for these your post
#783745 Football Manager 2023/2024
Phil Ackah
still waiting though
#762295 Football Manager 2023/2024
Phil Ackah
game crush at 18 december