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Deleted Account #1810579
#687461 Cut-Out Faces Megapack TECHNICAL SUPPORT thread - please read first post before posting
Yeah I’m overwriting with the newest file regardless of PNG or png and then if PNG I’m changing them to png so they work.
Yes, only a small amount of files involved.
#687434 Cut-Out Faces Megapack TECHNICAL SUPPORT thread - please read first post before posting
i downloaded the complete megapack directly from the website (single file). I did some digging and it seems there are some files with exactly the same name, but the end on one is ‘.png’ and the end on the other is ‘.PNG’.
#687406 Cut-Out Faces Megapack TECHNICAL SUPPORT thread - please read first post before posting
I have extracted the megapack complete pack and overwritten some files when it has asked because there are files with the same name. I haven't selected yes to all as I've confirmed the latest file before choosing whether to overwrite (not all overwrite suggestions are to the latest file).
Can you confirm this is the correct method of installation?
Thank you
#687326 ALL Issues with premium membership including cancelling- post here[read the opening post before posting]
Thank you 🙂
#687300 ALL Issues with premium membership including cancelling- post here[read the opening post before posting]
Hi @Footygamer
I accidently cancelled the subscription and then tried clicking reactivate and it says ‘Reactivation failed for an unknown reason!’. Would you be able to help?
I think I might've posted this in the wrong forum before, but I think I'm on the right one now.
#687299 Premium Membership
I accidently cancelled the subscription and then tried clicking reactivate and it says ‘Reactivation failed for an unknown reason!’. Would you be able to help?