Ale88 - Comments

#400512 Hong Kong FC, from amateur to professional, is it possible?
15 years ago
6 years ago
Do you think that with the Real Time Editor is possible to change the status without starting a new game?
#400265 Hong Kong FC, from amateur to professional, is it possible?
15 years ago
6 years ago
Hi guys,

I just began a new game with the Hong Kong FC, which is the only amateur team in the HK Premier League, all the other teams are professional and those in the First Division are semi-professional. I was asking in an Italian forum how I could become professional as well, and I was thinking that qualifying to the Asian Champions League would be enough (same happens in Europe with San Marino teams etc) but I've been told that this team is amateur by choice and they will never turn professional, despite participating to the ACL, is that true?

Thanks a lot!
#363352 Italy - Serie A Tim SS'2016/17 Relink! (21/06/17)
15 years ago
6 years ago
Now they work, all of them! Thanks!!

Can I ask you what happened? Looks like when I told you I had a Mac you understood the problem
#363345 Italy - Serie A Tim SS'2016/17 Relink! (21/06/17)
15 years ago
6 years ago
#363339 Italy - Serie A Tim SS'2016/17 Relink! (21/06/17)
15 years ago
6 years ago
Nope, mine working fine, you sure you put right place in folders?

As I previously said I have the same problem, none of the Italian kits work, and I've placed them in the same folder of all the other kits, which perfectly work:
#362715 Italy - Serie A Tim SS'2016/17 Relink! (21/06/17)
15 years ago
6 years ago
Any ideas how to get this pack working? None of the kits show.

All other packs are fine, just the Italian league that doesn't show and replace the standard kits.

Glad to know I'm not the only one with this problem
#361069 [FM17] Transfers & Data Update Packs by pr0
15 years ago
6 years ago
I downloaded the files and when I start a new game I find the new agents but I don't see the new wonderkids, I also tried to start a new game loading only the Argentinian and Belgian leagues, to check for Patanelli and various Anderlecht players, but I don't find them. How is it possible that the agents file works and the wonderkids one doesn't?
#361067 SS' kits Technical Help Thread
15 years ago
6 years ago
Thanks a lot! ^_^
#361064 SS' kits Technical Help Thread
15 years ago
6 years ago
you sure you put right place in folder?

Yep, otherwise I wouldn't see all the other kits
I checked many of the other leagues I downloaded the kits and I perfectly see English, French, German, Spanish kits etc, except the Italian one, and it's really annoying since I'm Italian ahah.
#360940 Italy - Serie A Tim SS'2016/17 Relink! (21/06/17)
15 years ago
6 years ago
Can't get these to work. Not replacing the regular ones. No problem with other leagues.

I have exactly the same problem! This is the only kit that doesn't work, I already downloaded the last version of the Color Change file, cleared the cache, reloaded the skin etc etc but nothing changes. All the other kits I've downloaded work perfectly.
#360903 SS' kits Technical Help Thread
15 years ago
6 years ago
Guys, I downloaded various SS kits for MF 2017 but I don't understand why some don't work, for example Italy's Serie A kits. I already dowloaded the latest Color Change file, cleaned the cache, reload the skin etc but I keep seeing the normal version