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#358780 FM2017 Real Names and German National Team Fix File v2.1 for FM17.3.0 [03/03/2017]
Yeah. I've been using this fix for years. It's not like I'm some 'wet behind the ears' casual. Like I said, it KINDA works. And it works properly on a new save, so it's installed correctly.
#358746 FM2017 Real Names and German National Team Fix File v2.1 for FM17.3.0 [03/03/2017]
Hi, @mons this is my issue. The leagues name fix is being recognised by the game because it works in that when I search for a re-named league by it's new name it directs me to it, but the top bar in-game doesn't show the new name, nor in the search screen itself. In player histories, etc it shows the correct name (i.e Ryman Premier, etc)
As @Rob said, it works correctly in a new save, and I'm pretty sure it worked correctly before the 17.1.2 update, and yes I've copied the files into the new update folder, otherwise it wouldn't work at all.
#209324 Susie Mods Skin
Preferences > Interface > Screen Flow > untick 'Visit news screen automatically'
Gets rid of that hideous screen altogether. #Win
#112872 FM2014 Real Names and German National Team Fix File – version 2.1 for FM14.3.0 [02/03/2014]
#112345 💡 Metallic Logos Request Thread
Thanks for replying. I've decided to just remove the ID's for those badges so that the defaults show instead.
#112031 💡 Metallic Logos Request Thread
Skybet Championship (id: 12)
Skybet L1 (id: 13)
Skybet L2 (id: 14)
Skrill Prem (id: 109201)
Skrill North (id: 5123054)
Skrill South (id: 5123055)
Enfield Town (id: 8325134)
...to any other sharing site that isn't rapidshare? I'd be very grateful. Thanks!