mori_lazarus - Comments

#721457 United States (MLS, NASL, USL, competitions)
2 years ago
3 months ago

hello - it appears the link is down. any update versions? somehow the 50,000 logo megapacks are missing a dozen USL teams!

#721366 [FM20] Custom Start Date
2 years ago
3 months ago

has anyone ever figured out how to make this work with MLS (aside from selecting the next year)


i am playing FM21 and i have updated transfer packs etc, and every single other league works with this. 


i just spent wayyyyyyyyyy too long in the editor trying everything i could think of. changed the required amount of teams, edited the registered teams / teams next season. it never works when selecting any date in 2022, though. trying to do a journeyman save only to find my home country's league is defunct!

#720999 Spain - La Liga Santader SS'2020/21 Relink! (17/02/21)
2 years ago
3 months ago
By hammer9 26 December 2022 - 22:46 PM UTC 

R u use 22/23 packs of this on FM22 correct? But u should go this one - also file have for FM22 ok?


FM21 - i have all of the 20/21 packs but i think i accidentally grabbed that 22/23 kit when i was trying to find something compatible with Flutskin. 


i have downloaded that file, even though it is for 22, and run it into a file to see. its going to take a minute, since i'm doing an august '22 start date!


i've spent the last few days setting up my game to run as if its FM23, and i'm quite close… if i've got to remove the 22/23 kits then i will figure out something else to work with the flutskin profile cards.


edit: i did not understand the correlation between editor files and kits. i found the kit file somehwere else but now it all makes sense! going to stick with the 20/21 files since thats what i've got

#720950 Spain - La Liga Santader SS'2020/21 Relink! (17/02/21)
2 years ago
3 months ago

hello! i realize its sort of an old thread, and i may have made an error in terms of which year's kits got uploaded into my game. anyways - every single team in the save is fine except for barcelona's secondary. i've tried inserting a shirt that seems similar to see if its a color-based issue, but none of the ones i've found (in this thread and elsewhere) seem to line up. thanks in advance!