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#801086 10 Essential Steps to Take Before Clicking Continue on a New Save
#749277 Need Help with fm23 mod issues please
If you go to Preferences > Advanced > General there should be an option called “Location” - double check that this folder is definitely the folder you are using. It looks like it will be given all the other folders in there but worth double checking.
Change the “Graphics” folder to “graphics” - shouldn't make a difference (and didn't when i just tested it) but who knows. Also remove a few of the subfolders; so instead've “Graphics\Megapack TCM23\graphics\Logos” go down to just “graphics\Logos” - again shouldn't matter but it might do in this case? Check all of the folders have got config.xml files included - the only reason they wouldn't is if you've deleted them so unlikely they will be missing at all.
The skins folder looks fine as well - I'm a little unsure as to what is causing the issues here at all. If the downloaded skin is just an “.fmf” file it can just go into the folder like you've done so.
You look like you've done everything right and FM is just being stubborn honestly.
#748417 Need help creating a club from scratch using pre game editor! Please!
We did a video on this a few months back; give this a watch and if you're still stuck I'm happy to help out where I can.
#745663 FM24 Wishlist
Following the news last month about the Future of Football Manager - check out our video on this here - we know that FM24 will be the “last of its kind” and a “love letter to the FM series as we know it”, but we don’t know much else.
Now is your chance to have your say and share the features and improvements you’d like to see for FM24. Share your ideas right here!
Over the next week or so we will collate the best and most popular ideas from across YouTube, Twitter, Discord and the SortitoutSI.net website and put together your Ultimate Wishlist for FM24.
#740707 Custom Start Dates Pack for FM23
Not sure what else you're trying to do here; but everything works fine with these files - I've gone through and verifed the latest updates and they have zero issues. Have you got something else loaded in the editor when trying to do this?
#740266 Custom Start Dates Pack for FM23
#740265 Custom Start Dates Pack for FM23
I’ll add this in the next update along with a 14th November for the World Cup.
It will probably be Tuesday that the next update comes out as I am away.
#740264 Custom Start Dates Pack for FM23
Don’t add winners in the editor as the game will still simulate the season to the point of the start date (or use real results if you’ve downloaded them).
#739729 Custom Start Dates Pack for FM23
You can verify the file in a few seconds using the pre-game editor. Open the 23.0 database, load whichever editor data file you want, test the rules and save again. Then it will be compatible with 23.0.
#739536 Generic Manager Faces for your profile in game
This is a great idea! Can‘t wait to see how this pack develops.
For those wondering how to add the faces to your manager profile, we did a video on how to add your face on the SortitoutSI YouTube channel a few months ago. (You can obviously skip the part where I edit the photo and go straight to how you add in game)
I’ve done a video using the demo of this software for the SortitoutSI YouTube channel.
#715876 FM23 Playable Leagues Megapack - 225 new leagues playable - BOHEMIO 2023
Hi Ignacio - I've done a video on this megapack for the SortitoutSI youtube channel.
Great work!
#700527 SortitoutSI is back on YouTube
SortitoutSI is making its return to YouTube in the run up to the launch of Football Manager 2023.
The channel will feature guides and tutorials as well as simulations and experiments. We’ll also feature community driven content as well so keep an eye out for how to get involved.
If FM YouTube is your thing and you aren’t already please subscribe today at https://www.youtube.com/sortitoutsi?sub_confirmation=1