wbdcnyc - Comments

#800027 How to add yourself as a newgen in Football Manager
2 years ago
2 months ago
By Adam Steven Cook 08 November 2023 - 00:05 AM UTC 

I believe it defpends on what year he was born. So if you put that the player was born in 2023 then he wont generate in game until hes 15 years old. You can also generate only 1 player per club per year. You can do as many players at different clubs in 1 year as you like though, just not all at one club.


I found this video helpgul



What's interesting is, I tried this for a club that had a ton of grey players at the start of the save, and wasn't aware of the 1 player per club restriction. I had 4 newgen players in the same club with similar birthdates in my support_staff.edt file and they all got created. Was able to sim 2 seasons successfully!