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#763945 FM 24 ROMANIA 6 Levels
Little Auditorium
Hi there - thanks for putting this together. One thing I noticed is that the top division doesn't have their points reduced by 50% during the play in/out. I'm not familiar with Romanian football, but I was wondering why it's different than the official database. Also, suspensions happen much for frequently from yellow cards (based on changed yellow card accumulation rules) - is there a reason this was changed? Thank you.
#761367 SS' kits Technical Help Thread
Little Auditorium
Is there a workaround for this fault?
#759704 SS' kits Technical Help Thread
Little Auditorium
Is there a way for me to be alerted when this fix is accessible?
#758975 SS' kits Technical Help Thread
Little Auditorium
I too experience this issue