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#793307 Johnny
Jarrett Lee
Is there a way to incorporate that priority release clause + sell on that Tottenham have?
#776030 Premier League and Championship real fixtures and results for FM24
Jarrett Lee
Wait so how did you get this to 2work with the new patch?
#756645 Cut-Out Faces Megapack TECHNICAL SUPPORT thread - please read first post before posting
Jarrett Lee
I tried the getfiles.co.uk download several times but it tells me "
The specified key does not exist."I have tried for different browsers (Chrome, firefox, safari) but gives me the same error. I can't use the dfile.eu thing because it only lets me download once per 1 hour and also download is slow af. Is there a fix?
#727658 Couple questions about detail level
Jarrett Lee
I mean it seems to work decently fine for me when I tried it yesterday
#727655 Couple questions about detail level
Jarrett Lee
I have some questions about simulating leagues in full detail vs not doing so.