KeithRichards - Comments

#551692 SS'19-20 Download Pack update thread
14 years ago
4 years ago
I use Stuffit Expander (I have Mac).
All the big packs are working fine (like the Logos and Faces), only with the kits that I have to download separately I was unable to unzip like 2 out of 3 packs.
OK, I can try with another zip program available for Macintosh, why not - I'll let you know.

I have downloaded "The Unarchiver" and this app can perfectly unzip all files.
So the issue was all mine, sorry - and thank you
#551649 SS'19-20 Download Pack update thread
14 years ago
4 years ago
I'm not aware there's an issue. What program are you using to open them? Most of them will need something like Winrar or 7zip to be opened.

I use Stuffit Expander (I have Mac).
All the big packs are working fine (like the Logos and Faces), only with the kits that I have to download separately I was unable to unzip like 2 out of 3 packs.
OK, I can try with another zip program available for Macintosh, why not - I'll let you know.
#551627 SS'19-20 Download Pack update thread
14 years ago
4 years ago
I have noticed that lot of these kits appear to be corrupted or impossible to unzip them (more than half of them).
Is this a known problem? Does it mean that the links need to be updated, or what else?
Thank you very much