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#809129 Vosse de Boode
The ID has turned to 2002052847, the original 37065074 is not exsited in the database (I only checked 24.3).
#804263 John Schofield
Thanks. I know this one, I thought it might be something more complex.
#804217 John Schofield
I usually adjust the collar up, this seems to be an oversight.
I've been meaning to ask for advice about lighting, I've noticed you'll be re-editing some of the passed uploads. I occasionally brighten up portraits that are too dark, but sometimes wanting to look more natural requires toning - not just saturation and contrast, and trying to maintain a uniform standard isn't easy.
#804216 Joe Rowley
just simply saved as 250x250 png, usually edited with a 1080x1080 template.
#804118 Joe Rowley
Does photopea compress images now? I'm pretty sure the 1080p version I used in editing was pretty damn good quality.
#792031 George Whitefield
The colour of the original photo was a bit unnatural compared to the others, fixed.
#780324 Zheng Haoqian
I prefer to go with the best photos taken over a player's career when I play the game, the latest ones normally good enough, but sometimes older versions are better; I just think there will always be people who share my preference and might be more interested in seeing the player at his best; and I apologise for the varying sharpness of the photos from the minor leagues. Since you don't like them, I'll save this type for my own use in the future.
#779940 Constantine Panayiotou
I have always been confused when it comes to cutting avatars with this exaggerated hairstyle, any suggestions?
#779531 João Rêgo
I added collar and adjusted the scale of the head, I do believe this one is an improvement.
#779530 Issa Kaboré
This one is from the latest front face photo on his ins. well it's your call, I don't like its lighting anyway.
#779188 FM24 UID FINDER(SKIN+config)
Saved me a lot of time, thanks for doing this.
#777179 Tyler Goodrham
I will improve my work, thank you for your guidance and patience.
#776863 Any other matters - related to Cut Outs but not to any particular thread
Only saw content about ‘how to make cut-outs’, that's not what I aksed, or maybe it's on another page? Gonna be great if you can point me the right direction.
I just wondering about the reviewing mechanism(like how long will my submissions pending).
#776824 Any other matters - related to Cut Outs but not to any particular thread
I regularly make cut out images that are personally more satisfying, or not updated yet, and I have been doing this for a long time, and I didn't realise until yesterday that I could share them. I have a fair bit of stock, particularly of some of the players in the lower leagues of England, but I found that there seems to be a mechanism for vetting them, which prevents me from adding them consistently.
I'm just curious what this vetting mechanism is like so I can get an idea of how often I'm uploading images.