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#552473 Cut-Out Faces Megapack TECHNICAL SUPPORT thread - please read first post before posting
Prefs are the same as image on first page even tried changing them to see it it would make a difference it didn't which is why i thought it may be a skin issue which is why I tried different ones to rule that out.
The places i looked for the icons to appear was in all different menus I ended up going in random places to see if they would appear is their one area I should focus on?
The config file in iconfaces folder is the same one that came with the pack I included it for you to see.
#552468 Teal Twenty (version 1.1)
I can't get stadium images to load with this skin other skins I have tried have no issues
This is the location I have them installed graphics/pictures/stadium even tried in just the base folder graphics/stadium also stadiums in place of stadium in case that S may of made a difference.
Thanks in advance for any help
#552467 Cut-Out Faces Megapack TECHNICAL SUPPORT thread - please read first post before posting
iconface folder contains 235,290 files
It was a fresh extract from Complete Pack - sortitoutsi_cutout_megapack_12.00.rar torrent posted here I extracted it to place the readme states no extra update packs have been applied yet so I have the full size cutouts in faces folder and these are in iconfaces
Not sure what you mean where am I looking for them?
#552453 Cut-Out Faces Megapack TECHNICAL SUPPORT thread - please read first post before posting
I tried on Flut and Tad Twenty skins.
The icon pack is in this location graphics/sortitoutsi/iconfaces
#446216 Custom Start Date Issue
So can't have US at all then or is it fine to add it later in the game?
#446193 Custom Start Date Issue
So i go to start new career and it shows up update and then select all these files so far it appears fine.
I add the countries I want which is 14 nations around 61 thousand players but I can't select the start date as it seize to do in the guide which is sortitout one it shows three options but all three are greyed out it wont allow me to click on one.
Any ideas? pic included
#441802 Financial Changes Thread
companies house they have the records which is why it is strange how for many years si game have gotten it so wrong
#441647 Financial Changes Thread
it should also include the new stand they have in the works if possible.
i know this is not to do with money as such but another issues is wilf zaha having 50% future fee to manchester united which is so wrong no one in England has clauses like that.
#362936 Home thread for the FM25 Cut-Out Megapack - 2025.04 OUT NOW [12/03/2025]
#206860 Football Manager 2015
EA doesn't have all the licensing this is what I am saying and SI still doesn't try to add or do deals for the other non EA ones.
I think a lot of you think EA has it all they do not but SI continue to sit there doing nothing letting them take more plus selling to Sega was not a great move at all if they did not do this they may of be able to pitch to EA that Football Manager can be under them.
That match engine is rubbish and you thinking it is great show you are just another mark look at the video for new game the visuals are awful I would rather watch Sensible Soccer.
#206523 Football Manager 2015
SI games had opportunities to buy the licensing they have been about for a long time they don't want to pay when no matter what they got people like you kissing there a** every year.
EA makes no management game any more cutting a deal with them for PC I don't see that being a issue but again they don't want to same with when licensing deals come to an end they could partner up but no.
Same with graphics they could put a lot more in which wont be because of licensing but again they don't because they are a company that does just enough every year to make out the games different nothing special.
Any excuse why the match engine still stinks after all these years?
I worked for them a while ago and the attitude then I would have to guess is the same today going by what I see do just enough to pass for a release.
#205116 Football Manager 2015
Not impressed at all by any of the features or look.
It's also very lazy/greedy to not sort out proper licenses or graphics even if they offered graphics as an addon for few for £
#205114 My thoughts on the FM15 Announcement.
Worst thing is to run these awful visuals it will take a stupid spec machine.
25€ isn't to bad a price that is what the retail pricing should be anyway (£20 - €25)
#199783 FM14 Transfers & Data Update Packs by_pr0
I always play the largest database and Pullis was not there even trying to start multi games not in the game
Licensing doesn't mean anything when it comes to edited files it should of been fixed it's a very simple one
I didn't mention any other updates i think your confusing my post with the other guy who was sort of slagging this one off.
I was pointing out a few errors i could of got into a big essay style if i wanted to attack this but that wasn't my intent I was pointing out some that if database is going to be continued to be updates they can be fixed in future this is productive method people list the errors so the author doesn't have to go and spend many hours looking through database and web.
Having worked on a game which involved database to be fair not as large as fm but it's easy to assign people you get one person to work on one part of the game and others work on others (communication in this day and age shouldn't be an issue at all) even if other team members are just doing research with one main man doing the edits.
It's just sort of waste of time release a half finished job.
#199648 FM14 Transfers & Data Update Packs by_pr0
I am running 14.3.1 version of the game I tested this on and all 7 files selected from your pack.
My post wasn't meant to slag you off I do respect the effort you have put into it I just don't see the point of multi different people working on different updates for the same thing it's far more productive if everybody worked together which should result in less work for each person and far less errors resulting in more complete updates.
#198922 FM14 Transfers & Data Update Packs by_pr0
heres just a few errors i spotted way too many to post up
Tony Pullis - no longer in the game for some reason
Iain Moody - still at Palace in game
David Kemp - still at Palace in game
Jonny Evans - value 17 million lol (lots of the value are so wrong)
Michael Carrick - not injured (again lots of injuries are wrong big one is Andy carroll not injured)
Van gaal - his names Jan Jansen
enner valencia - hes a striker
#20392 UPDATE 13.1.2 RELEASED for Football Manager 2013
I had this same problem and that solution didn't work, I even removed the game then downloaded it fresh same problem.
This new patch has made my game useless can't even play it everything is so slow now.