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#807446 FM24 Chielen's Total Belgian Lower League Overhaul
Thanks for confirming!
#807444 FM24 Chielen's Total Belgian Lower League Overhaul
Thank you!
The B-team should not be a problem. It does not get picked up by the lowest competition level of its region, as I intended, but it should work by itself. It might only be created on July 1st after you asked though.
Do you play with the option to add players to playable teams active? I didn't add any players for the teams I created, I just assigned existing players and the rest should be randomly generated with that option.
Or do you mean that you do not have the option to have a U21 an U18 team?
#807439 FM24 Chielen's Total Belgian Lower League Overhaul
Aha, that division 3 not starting will have caused it. Strange! It must have taken the wrong teams in the previous season. There was an issue with it on my radar already.
#807435 FM24 Chielen's Total Belgian Lower League Overhaul
Indeed, the standard error message. Sadly it's not very helpful.
Maybe you can check for me what teams are set to be promoted and relegated at the end of the season. The 4th and 5th division are of specific interest (together with the teams that move into them from the 3rd and 6th level). Do the numbers add up per region?
#807431 FM24 Chielen's Total Belgian Lower League Overhaul
Appreciate it! Normally once it gets past the first few seasons (in most cases that works fine) it kind of stabilises. I have a save a play in 2060 at this time.
#807428 FM24 Chielen's Total Belgian Lower League Overhaul
The file might be borked, there's a few errors still in there sadly. If it doesn't work to holiday, something serious must have gone wrong.
What happens when you try to move past the first of July? As it's just past the season update day, something might have gone wrong with the dynamic relegation system, which is incredibly complicated for this file. It's a challenge to fully test it, so I'm interested to see your case.
#806230 FM24 Chielen's Total Belgian Lower League Overhaul
Dank je! Kan je eens kijken of het met dit nieuwe zipbestandje werkt?
#806053 FM24 Chielen's Total Belgian Lower League Overhaul
It is how the game packages it for distribution through the steam workshop. I'll see if I can add a zip file or something next week.