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#230959 Ending 126 Years of Hurt
EOF Gizmo
#208548 I want to be a part of it
EOF Gizmo
#200555 Die Königsblauen
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#198322 Havana Good Time
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#197514 Fola: Improving Britain
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#171131 Watch out United, we're coming for you...
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#164823 Beating Fergie
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#164779 La Leggenda Italiana - A Father & Son Tale
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#162380 A Long Rise From The Welsh Dumps!
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#162111 The NK Pomorac Project
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#161421 Scottish Domination...
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#158271 Scottish Domination...
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#158269 Starting from the Bottom now we're...
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#157220 Scottish Domination...
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#156640 Taking Sheffield FC To The Big Money Jackpot!
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#156637 Non-league to premier league in eight easy steps
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Used to play football in Chard back in the day! Im from Taunton so its always a dream to make Wordsworth Drive a football league venue haha
#156625 Non-league to premier league in eight easy steps
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#152446 Sporting Toulon Var - a shit club in the Cote d'Azur [FM14]
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#152376 The thoughtful (job-hopping) Dutchman
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#150657 Carles Puyol - The Man Who's Won Everything
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#86004 The SAF Challenge
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#84248 The SAF Challenge
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#84099 The SAF Challenge
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#84097 Rick's Career
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#82934 Journey to Knighthood
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#82423 Rick's Career
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#81958 I manage a football team
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#81888 Random Jukebox's SAF - PLEASE DELETE!!!
EOF Gizmo
If any mods read this can you please delete this thread to save the website some space.
#81819 Random Jukebox's SAF - PLEASE DELETE!!!
EOF Gizmo
Cheers dude. I think i stand a good chance, if not in the league then def in the cup. Have a semi final against Hearts n then a final against either St Mirren n Motherwell i think so its winnable.
#81811 Random Jukebox's SAF - PLEASE DELETE!!!
EOF Gizmo
Another good month. Crucial wins against struggling Aberdeen and my old club Morton have me sat comfortably in 5th heading into January.
So thats me caught up! Now its time for me to play around with the squad the best i can. Im looking to really set myself up for next season and start bringing through young Scottish players!