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#749641 SS' Fantasy Kits Thread (NO REAL KITS)
Can someone make a fantasy kit of these ones?
I would prefer if the red home jersey is without so many sponsors and I would really like it to be like Barcelona style, a big nike logo on the left a bigger Örgryte IS logo on the right and only one sponsor Spotify as main sponsor. (Don't make it striped tho, plain red and plain blue.)
The same with the blue away jersey and feel free to go completely as you wish with the third jersey
Team: Örgryte IS
Sponsor: Spotify
Kit maker: Nike
Colors: Red ( Home), Blue (away) and White (third jersey)
Design: Just like Barcelona but without stripes
#308934 SS' Fantasy Kits Thread (NO REAL KITS)
#308521 SS' Fantasy Kits Thread (NO REAL KITS)
The normal kit
I want it more like this one so I dont want a sponsor, and the 2 other shirts should be one in all black and the 3rd kit I'd like it to be exactly like Atleticos kit! Red and white with my logo on!
You can have it in Nike style as the picture
heres the badge btw!
#300942 SS' Fantasy Kits Thread (NO REAL KITS)
Was wondering if you could do these ones for my IFK Göteborg team.
this is the main shirt.
I want this type of style;
and i want to keep colors and stripe;
Logo for the shirts:
i like the adidas jersey so keep the adidas
and if possible i would like a 3rd jersey that should be red, you could do what you want with that one but have it red :-)