Bradleeey - Comments

#768420 Gaël Lafont
8 months ago
3 months ago
By mons 08 December 2023 - 18:43 PM UTC 

@Bradleeey Avoid using image-enlarging tools. Using an AI image enlarger just “guesses” what certain pixels should look like when you make the image larger, and the result looks blurry/out of focus on certain details, with unrealistically smoothened skin, and unnatural looking hair/beard/eye/teeth details. 

I understand but I think it can be a good temporary tool for obscure players who don't yet have a clear picture 😢

But i got your point i'm not gonna use the tool again 

#749616 Junior Kroupi
8 months ago
3 months ago

Sorry for the double post, i just did the cut again without white border in the hair